Possible bug on "javascript" breakpoint...


I’m new to code mirror, I integrate it on an html page, every things work like a charm except one things on code bellow, it’s impossible to add a break point on a line that contain {.
ex :

if ( sidebarLeft.style.display === ‘block’) {

If I move { to the next line it work
ex :

if ( sidebarLeft.style.display === ‘block’)

My code :

let editor = null; function makeMarker () { let marker = document.createElement ( "div" ); marker.style.color = "#822"; marker.innerHTML = "●"; return marker; } function OnLoad ( doc ) { editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea ( doc.getElementById ( "code" ), { lineNumbers: true, mode: "javascript", foldGutter: true, gutters: ["CodeMirror-linenumbers", "breakpoints", "CodeMirror-foldgutter" ]}); editor.setSize ( "100%", "100%" ); editor.setOption ( "theme", "cobalt" ); editor.addLineClass ( 7 - 1, 'background', 'line-active'); editor.on ( "gutterClick", function ( cm, n ) { cm.setGutterMarker ( n, "breakpoints", cm.lineInfo ( n ).gutterMarkers ? null : makeMarker ()); }); ... } ...

How solve this issue ?

Thanks for your help,
