atomicRange in codemirror 6

Hi, I am facing an issue when using atomicRange, but I do not know why it does not work as expected.

my code as follow

const atomicRanges = ViewPlugin. fromClass(

​	class {

​		decorations: DecorationSet;

​		constructor(view: EditorView) {

​			this . decorations = view.state?.field(atomField,l require: false)|I Decoration.none ;

​		}

​		update (update: ViewUpdate) {

​			this . decorations = update. state? . fieldCatomField,I require: false)ll Decoration. none;

​		}

​	}

​	{

​		decorations: (v) => {

​			return v. decorations;

​		},

​		provide: (pLugin) =>

​			EditorView. atomicRanges . of( value: (yiew: EditorView) => {

​				return view. plugin(pLugqin)? . decorationsIl Decoration.none ;

​		}),

​	}



Actually using some older versions of CM6 in my case the code from examples (replacement widgets) also did not work. I mean, the cursor was still jumping into the atomic range region. Try to just the latest cm6

Thanks a lot.I have used the latest version, and solved the problem.