Command insertNewlineAndIndent() causes a view bug, unless used with highlightActiveLine() extension

Make sure you don’t have <img> set to display: block document-wide.

Yes, I do.

I use Tailwind library, and it has this style. I think it’s some form of CSS reset or CSS normalize.

audio, canvas, embed, iframe, img, object, svg, video {
    display: block;
    vertical-align: middle;

Probably everyone who will use CodeMirror with Tailwind will experience the same bug. I guess you’re refering to your .cm-widgetBuffer which is an <img/>?

Isn’t it possible to specify a correct display in that class, since it already specifies verical-align and height?

That’s already done in Explicitly style widget buffer images as inline · codemirror/view@e54e61a · GitHub , but not released yet.

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Cool, thanks.

Waiting for 0.19.45 then :slight_smile: