Editor does not allow scroll vertically

I’m new to codemirror and might ask stupid questions here.

I setup a fresh codemirror editor by looking into the documents and under the help of Copilot.

My simple editor does not allow me to scroll vertically and its height grows indefinitely.

Follow Copilot and google, I tried to set the overhidden property of both the editor and the parent element, but still I didn’t get it.

Editor online preview: http://macstudio.kaiz.net:5051/a/b/editor.

Source code: next-frontend/app/[username]/[projectname]/editor/codemirror/editor.tsx at main · batchor/next-frontend · GitHub .


If there are other inappropriate implementations in my code, please also point them out. I’m pretty new to codemirror.

This is the library’s default behavior. Set styles like .cm-editor { height: 300px; } .cm-scroller { overflow: auto; } to set a specific height.