[SOLVED] error poiniting curly braces as error

Working on jinja2 syntax highlight, so far so good.
i was writing for and if grammar, and now it is showing error on curly braces

(at sign)top Script { statement+ }

(at sign)top Template { directive * }

directive {
Insert |
Insert2 |
RawBlock |

Insert { “{{” (space* (identifier | Number | Bool | String | Equa | Subexp | “|” ))* space* “}}” }

Insert2 { “{%” (space* (identifier | Number | Bool | String | Equa | Subexp | “|” ))* space* “%}” }

(at sign)local tokens {
RawClose { “{% endraw %}” }
(at sign)else RawContent

RawOpen[closedBy=“RawClose”] { “{% raw %}” }

(at sign)skip {} {
RawBlock { RawOpen RawContent* RawClose }

(at sign)skip { spaces | newline }

OneLineCommentOpen[closedBy=“OneLineCommentClose”] {“{#”}

(at sign)local tokens {
OneLineCommentClose { “#}” }
(at sign)else oneLineCommentContent

(at sign)skip {} {
OnelineComment { OneLineCommentOpen oneLineCommentContent* OneLineCommentClose }

statement[(at sign)isGroup] {
ForStatement { kw<“for”> ForInSpec statement kw<“endfor”> }

ForInSpec {

(at sign)context trackNewline from “./tokens.js”

Bool { (at sign)specialize<identifier, “true” | “false”> }

Equa { identifier “=” (identifier | Number | Bool | String) }

Subexp { “(” (space* (identifier | Number | Bool | String | Equa | Subexp | “|”))* space* “)” }

(at sign)tokens {
spaces[(at sign)export] { $[\u0009 \u000b\u00a0\u1680\u2000-\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff]+ }

newline[(at sign)export] { $[\r\n\u2028\u2029] }

identifierChar { (at sign)asciiLetter | $[_$\u{a1}-\u{10ffff}] }

word { identifierChar (identifierChar | (at sign)digit)* }

identifier { word }

kw { (at sign)specialize[(at sign)name={term}]<identifier, term> }

hex { (at sign)digit | $[a-fA-F] }

String { (“'” (![\‘] | “\” _)* "’“?) | (”"" (![\"] | “\” _)* “"”?) }

VariableName { identifier ~arrow }

Number {
((at sign)digit (“" | (at sign)digit)* (“.” ("” | (at sign)digit))? | “.” (at sign)digit (“_” | (at sign)digit))
((“e” | “E”) (“+” | “-”)? (“" | (at sign)digit)+)? |
(at sign)digit ("
” | (at sign)digit)* “n” |
“0x” (hex | "")+ “n”? |
“0b” $[01
]+ “n”? |
“0o” $[0-7_]+ “n”?

space { (at sign)whitespace+ }
(at sign)precedence { spaces, newline, identifier}
(at sign)precedence { spaces, newline, identifier}
(at sign)precedence { spaces, newline, space }

(at sign)external propSource Highlight from “./highlight.js”

error is: Unrecognized expression type in token (syntax.grammar 71:13), which points at curly brace (“{”).

nvm, in case you need jinja2 support, there is StreamLanguage/StreamParser available for codemirror v6 with v5 language mode legacy support. link to gh