how I can color comment in specific color in my mode in codemirror

I want to color my comment that come between the /* */ in specific color in codemirror … I search and found sample to color the string between the " " and it work fine .

when I replace the " " by /* */ in the code then the code not color my comment .

the work code is :

CodeMirror.defineMode("strings", function() {
  return {
    startState: function() {return {inString: false};},
    token: function(stream, state) {
      // If a string starts here
      if (!state.inString && stream.peek() == '"') {;            // Skip quote
        state.inString = true;    // Update state

      if (state.inString) {
        if (stream.skipTo('"')) { // Quote found on this line
;          // Skip quote
          state.inString = false; // Clear flag
        } else {
           stream.skipToEnd();    // Rest of line is string
        return "string";          // Token style
      } else {
        stream.skipTo('"') || stream.skipToEnd();
        return null;              // Unstyled token

my try : Note I only replace the " by / and " by / but the code not work this is my try online my try

so what my wrong ?

Just use CSS. Change following line in codemirror.css:
.cm-s-default .cm-comment {color: #a50; font-size: 80%;}