How to implement the hover event of the breakpoint

I want to achieve the same breakpoint interaction function as vscode。
The gutter has a hover event. When the mouse is at the corresponding gutter position, a light-colored gutter is displayed. When the mouse moves out of the gutter, the light-colored gutter also moves out

This is my attempt. In order not to affect the original normal breakpoint data breakpointState, I added hoverState. But this does not have the result I want. How should I achieve what I want, thanks

const hoverEffect = StateEffect.define<{ pos: number; on: boolean }>({
  map: (val, mapping) => ({
    pos: mapping.mapPos(val.pos),
    on: val.on,

const hoverState = StateField.define<RangeSet<GutterMarker>>({
  create() {
    return RangeSet.empty;
  update(set, transaction) {
    set =;
    for (const e of transaction.effects) {
      if ( {
        if (e.value.on)
          set = set.update({ add: [hoverMarker.range(e.value.pos)] });
        else set = set.update({ filter: (from) => from != e.value.pos });
    return set;

export const breakPointGutter = gutter({
  class: 'dao__cm-breakpoint',
  domEventHandlers: {
    mousedown(view, line) {
      toggleBreakpoint(view, line.from);
      return true;
    mouseover(view, line) {
        effects: hoverEffect.of({ pos: line.from, on: true }),

      return true;
    mouseout(view, line) {
        effects: hoverEffect.of({ pos: line.from, on: false }),
      return true;
  markers: (v) => {
    return [v.state.field(hoverState), v.state.field(breakpointState)];
  initialSpacer: () => new BreakpointMarker(false),

Were you able to achieve this?

Yes, it can be achieved