Infinite quote with insertNewlineContinueMarkup()

When I start quote and use insertNewlineContinueMarkup() it does on forever

> quote
> |

and I run the command multiple times, it goes

> quote
> |

and never leaves the quote. Couldn’t we make it so that if it the command is run twice or thrice, then it leaves the quote?

That sounds like it should work. The patch below implements something like it.

Yup, that works fine for me :slight_smile: Can you release it as a new version, pleae?

Tagged 0.19.5

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Do you think we could also use that inside of a quote?

> quote
> |
> quote

when I run insertNewlineContinueMarkup(), could it do

> quote

> quote


Did you try? Because that should already work.

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Oh, you’re right it does work.

Sorry, for that.