Looking to hire a developer for CM5/Emmet config

Hello - I don’t know if job postings are off-limits here (if they are, please remove this post with my apologies).

I’m using CodeMirror to provide a drastically better HTML editing experience inside a WordPress page-builder. CodeMirror (with Emmet) has been an absolute game-changer for my WordPress development and I couldn’t run my business without it. A JS-powered editor presents a unique opportunity to teach people how to get more comfortable with HTML. Frickin’ love Codemirror.

That said - I’m more of a designer and UXer than a pure dev, and I could use some help with some of the finer details of the JS. I need a capable CM tutor more than anything (tried Codeable and Codementor already, but few people specialize in CM, so I figured I’d go to the source here).

If you’re interested in solving problems like:

-creating ‘smart comments’ in CM’s HTML that respond to click events and can do things like ‘fold the next line’ on click or ‘fold all children,’
-create custom wrappers to syntax-highlight specific strings,
-create a two-way ‘devtools-style inspector’ where you can run your mouse over CM tags and toggle classes on the DOM elements that the tags actually create (and vice versa),
-build controls to allow users to adjust styles like Themes, font-size, font-family, and store those in localStorage,
-allow users to create custom Emmet abbreviations for use in CM,
-introduce professional front-end coding techniques to the ‘bumper bowling’ world of WordPress,

…then I’d love to meet you and talk shop.

If it’s above board to ask for contact information (link to website would be nice), please provide that.

Thanks for reading. Have a great day.

Dave Bloom

Job postings are fine here. Though they aren’t common and I’m not sure anyone is using this forum to look for freelance gigs.

Thanks Marijn. Long shot indeed, but hey, thought I’d take it.

I hope I can share some of my research with you one day :slight_smile:


Hi Dave,
If you are still on the lookout for someone I would be happy to help you, as I am an experienced CodeMirror freelancer.
You can reach me on andrewjohnson.56782@gmail.com
Cheers and Have a great Monday,