PHP Linter: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'line' of undefined

Hi there,

I’m trying to use the PHP linter addon found here: GitHub - glayzzle/codemirror-linter: PHP linter for CodeMirror

However I am getting this error when I type something that should trigger a linter notice e.g. “<??php”.

Error Message:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'line' of undefined
    at groupByLine (lint.js?ver=10.5.0:107)
    at updateLinting (lint.js?ver=10.5.0:167)
    at lint.js?ver=10.5.0:159
    at runInOp (codemirror.js?ver=10.5.0:3921)
    at CodeMirror.operation (codemirror.js?ver=10.5.0:8603)
    at startLinting (lint.js?ver=10.5.0:159)
    at lint.js?ver=10.5.0:206

Anyone know how to resolve this, and if this addon is still compatible with CM5?
