Search panel: placement and size

How do I change the size and placement of the search panel?

Ditto for the go-to-line panel.

This can be used to put the search panel at the top of the editor. The go-line-panel has no such option. I’m not sure what you mean by changing the size of the panels – they are sized to fit their content.

I tried a few things, e.g., as in the code below — but I’m not understanding/guessing the correct syntax:

let editor = new EditorView({
               search: {config:  {top: true}},
               state: EditorState.create({
                 extensions: [basicSetup
                   , myTheme
                   , EditorView.lineWrapping
                   // Below: send updated text from CM to Elm
                   , EditorView.updateListener.of((v)=> {
                       if(v.docChanged) {

You want search({top: true}) in your extensions array.

Oops! I get the error

(index):53605 Uncaught ReferenceError: search is not defined


let editor = new EditorView({
                               state: EditorState.create({
                                 extensions: [basicSetup
                                   , myTheme
                                   , panelTheme
                                   , EditorView.lineWrapping
                                   , search({top: true})

                                   // Below: send updated text from CM to Elm
                                   , EditorView.updateListener.of((v)=> {
                                       if(v.docChanged) {

You clearly need to import search from @codemirror/search.

I’ve tried that, with import {search} from "@codemirror/search", but I get the error

[!] Error: 'search' is not exported by node_modules/@codemirror/search/dist/index.js, imported by editor.js
editor.js (11:8)
 9: import {EditorView} from "@codemirror/view"
11: import {search} from "@codemirror/search"
13: let myTheme = EditorView.theme({
Error: 'search' is not exported by node_modules/@codemirror/search/dist/index.js, imported by editor.js
    at error (/Users/jxxcarlson/dev/bluesky/L0-lab-demo/editor-prepare/node_modules/rollup/dist/shared/rollup.js:160:30)
    at Module.error (/Users/jxxcarlson/dev/bluesky/L0-lab-demo/editor-prepare/node_modules/rollup/dist/shared/rollup.js:12438:16)
    at Module.traceVariable (/Users/jxxcarlson/dev/bluesky/L0-lab-demo/editor-prepare/node_modules/rollup/dist/shared/rollup.js:12808:29)
    at ModuleScope.findVariable (/Users/jxxcarlson/dev/bluesky/L0-lab-demo/editor-prepare/node_modules/rollup/dist/shared/rollup.js:11601:39)
    at ChildScope.findVariable (/Users/jxxcarlson/dev/bluesky/L0-lab-demo/editor-prepare/node_modules/rollup/dist/shared/rollup.js:6964:38)
    at ClassBodyScope.findVariable (/Users/jxxcarlson/dev/bluesky/L0-lab-demo/editor-prepare/node_modules/rollup/dist/shared/rollup.js:6964:38)
    at ChildScope.findVariable (/Users/jxxcarlson/dev/bluesky/L0-lab-demo/editor-prepare/node_modules/rollup/dist/shared/rollup.js:6964:38)
    at FunctionScope.findVariable (/Users/jxxcarlson/dev/bluesky/L0-lab-demo/editor-prepare/node_modules/rollup/dist/shared/rollup.js:6964:38)
    at ChildScope.findVariable (/Users/jxxcarlson/dev/bluesky/L0-lab-demo/editor-prepare/node_modules/rollup/dist/shared/rollup.js:6964:38)
    at TrackingScope.findVariable (/Users/jxxcarlson/dev/bluesky/L0-lab-demo/editor-prepare/node_modules/rollup/dist/shared/rollup.js:6964:38)

Here is what I find in node_modules/@codemirror/search:

(base) ➜  search git:(master) ✗ tree .
├── dist
│   ├── index.cjs
│   ├── index.d.ts
│   └── index.js
└── package.json

1 directory, 7 files
(base) ➜  search git:(master) ✗

Try updating your packages or just deleting node_modules and reinstalling.

search is indeed exported:

search() was added in 0.19.8, upgrading should help.

Thanks! done