using require.js on local codemirror

When I use this code it works:
baseUrl: ‘

when I use this , it does not:
baseUrl: ‘http://localhost:5327/Scripts/codemirror/

my directory structure for CodeMirror is:

Scripts/CodeMirror/mode/css.js , javascript.js, sql.js, xml.js

I am editing css, javascript, sql, and xml files. Are there additional supporting modules I need?

The fact that the site is served from localhost is very unlikely to have anything to do with this. The way you use Script/codemirror in your require config, yet claim that the scripts are in Scripts/CodeMirror (capitalized) might be the problem.

Thank you for the quick reply. I took a look at my structure and saw that it is lowercase, which does match the requirejs parameter. I’Il try reloading the libs from your site. I’ll let you know. Thanks again.

The issue was the the sub directories were missing below the mode directory. i.e. I had mode/xml.js while I needed mode/xml/xml.js. Thanks again.