Announce a new React binding - ProMarkdown


Hi, We are developing an editor frontend based on React for static site generator Hugo, which uses YAML or TOML as frontmatter on top of markdown for content.

We also hope to have more programmer friendly features, such as line number, go-to line , keymapping etc.

We couldn’t find a ready to use React binding that offers all the features. Besides, we love to code so we decided to develop a new one. We wanted to name it more humbly ReMarkdown but the name is not available in NPM. So we go with ProMarkdown.

Key features:

  • Frontmatters, YAML / TOML /JSON, which is the main reason for developing ProMarkdown
  • Keymap, Vim / Sublime / Emacs, and obviously default
  • Line numbers
  • Block folding
  • Preview / Fullscreen / Editing and live preview
  • Search and replace
  • I18n, with build zh-CN ( Simplified Chinese ) suppport. Developers can provide custom phrases for menu tips / search / replace labels.
  • Toolbar / menu: a default menu supporting major markdown formats
  • Extensible - it exposes underlying CodeMirror instance and allows you to plugin your own menu, custom preview and low level CodeMirror eventhandlers.

To do:

  • Menu shortcuts
  • Improve custom menu extension, make it more elegant. Current code feels cumbersome.
