cannot run node bin/cm.js install

Running npm install
npm error code EISDIR
npm error syscall symlink
npm error path F:\misc\phix\cmd\dev\codemirror
npm error dest F:\misc\phix\cmd\dev\node_modules\codemirror
npm error errno -4068
npm error EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, symlink ‘F:\misc\phix\cmd\dev\codemirror’ → ‘F:\misc\phix\cmd\dev\node_modules\codemirror’

node -v: v22.1.0

There’s not real reason to use this script unless you’re planning to hack on multiple different CodeMirror packages at the same time. It doesn’t currently work on Windows.

You would not believe the frankly ridiculous amount of effort I have put into just trying to get a simple codemirror edit/run system going, or how many brick walls I have run into.