Changing the Font Size of CM6

There is a similar thread to this, however it doesn’t solve my problem. I would like to change the font size and font family of the editor text using CM6. The solutions I can find online only apply to CM5 and below. Since I can’t hack the CSS manually, are there any editor methods for setting the styles I need?

Create a small theme that sets a font size on the wrapper or the content element, and add it to your configuration.

Here is such a minimal example, to get people started:

import { Extension } from "@codemirror/state";
import { EditorView } from "@codemirror/view";

const FontSizeTheme = EditorView.theme({
  $: {
    fontSize: "11pt"

const FontSizeThemeExtension: Extension = [FontSizeTheme];
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I updated from 0.17.1 to 0.18.2, and it seems my Theme stopped working. Any clues?

The theme:

const Theme = EditorView.theme({
  $: {
    fontSize: "10.5pt",
    border: "1px solid #c0c0c0"
  $content: {
    fontFamily: "Menlo, Monaco, Lucida Console, monospace",
    minHeight: "200px"
  $gutter: {
    minHeight: "200px"
  $scroller: {
    overflow: "auto",
    maxHeight: "600px"

// Theme is used directly in the Extension list


The input format for EditorView.theme changed. See the release notes for @codemirror/view 0.18.0.

Thanks Marijn.

For the record, this is an updated version of the theme posted before, that works with v0.18.2:

const Theme = EditorView.theme({
  "&": {
    fontSize: "10.5pt",
    border: "1px solid #c0c0c0"
  ".cm-content": {
    fontFamily: "Menlo, Monaco, Lucida Console, monospace",
    minHeight: "200px"
  ".cm-gutters": {
    minHeight: "200px"
  ".cm-scroller": {
    overflow: "auto",
    maxHeight: "600px"

@larsp Thanks, but how to set the font size dynamically (e.g. based on user choice)?
It would be nice to capture Ctrl-+ and Ctrl-- for this.

Well, I have

            "&": {
                color: "#DDD",
                fontSize: "110%",
                fontFamily: "'Roboto Mono',Consolas,monospace"

and change font size on the <body> or the editor container.
Hope it helps

Thank you very much

Hi, on the same issue.
It seems like codemirror is using ‘monospace’ as its default font.
We can change by defining a custom theme like so.

export const oneDarkTheme = EditorView.theme(
    ".cm-content": {
      fontFamily: "some font family",

But if I use some new font on body, I can not directly inherit this font family in codemirror but have to explicitly set it. Instead what I want is to use

    ".cm-content": {
      fontFamily: "inherit",

to inherit the body’s font. How can I achieve this?

".cm-scroller": {fontFamily: "inherit"} should work

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Thank you, it worked.

having the same question, how can we do that