Checking if a given element's text is inside a range in the source code

Hello there,

I’m building an app with CodeMirror and I’ve got the following problem. I’ve got an editor with a given source code/value which is a string. In the middle of this string there’s a keyword (i.e., there’s a specific range of characters inside the string), which I’d like to highlight, when the mouse hovers over it. This keyword may vary from editor to editor, so I need a generic solution.

I’d like to know if there’s any way to find which part of the source code’s string has been clicked (probably just a single character index should be enough). I’ll try to provide an example:

public static void go()
{	Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle(0,0,5,5);
	System.out.println("In method go. r1 " + r1 + "\n");
	// could have been 
	//System.out.prinltn("r1" + r1.toString());
	r1.setSize(10, 15);
	System.out.println("In method go. r1 " + r1 + "\n");
	System.out.println("In method go. r1 " + r1 + "\n");
	System.out.println("In method go. r1 " + r1 + "\n");

Let’s say this is the original source code, and this below is the string I pass into the editor:

\tpublic static void go()\n\t{\tRectangle r1 = new Rectangle(0,0,5,5);\n\t\tSystem.out.println(\"In method go. r1 \" + r1 + \"\\n\");\n\t\t// could have been \n\t\t//System.out.prinltn(\"r1\" + r1.toString());\n\t\tr1.setSize(10, 15);\n\t\tSystem.out.println(\"In method go. r1 \" + r1 + \"\\n\");\n\t\talterPointee(r1);\n\t\tSystem.out.println(\"In method go. r1 \" + r1 + \"\\n\");\n\t\t\n\t\talterPointer(r1);\n\t\tSystem.out.println(\"In method go. r1 \" + r1 + \"\\n\");\n\t}

Now let’s say I want to highlight the first setSize function call. In the string I passed into the editor, it’s range starts at some character with index X and ends at another character with index Y. I’d like the setSize call to highlight, when the mouse hovers over it.

Thanks for any insight

posAtCoords can tell you which character is at the mouse position. markText can be used to highlight something.

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Hello @marijn, thank you for your answer. I had seen some people talking about posAtCoords but I can’t seem to find them in the manual, so I thought it was an old deprecated function. Can you point me to its docs? Sorry to bother you.

My bad, it’s called coordsChar.

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Yep, I’ve played around with that and getTokenAt and it seems to be exactly what I needed! Thanks a lot!