A small style-mod
According to the docs at https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#view.EditorView^baseTheme we can create an extension of the base theme using the style-mod
spec syntax.
There doesn’t seem to be a way to overwrite/change things that’s already been set by the base theme, and the only way to override it is through CSS rule (which identical/higher specificity).
For example, I’m trying to replace the 4 different selectionBackground colors with a single CSS rule.
I don’t suppose there’s a better way to do so without specifying it 4 times?
"$$light $selectionBackground": {
background: 'var(--text-selection)'
"$$dark $selectionBackground": {
background: 'var(--text-selection)'
'$$focused$light $selectionBackground': {
background: 'var(--text-selection)'
'$$focused$dark $selectionBackground': {
background: 'var(--text-selection)'