[Code Mirror][Word Hint][Extra Keys]Dot input by French Keyboard doesn't work

Hello, guys,
Have you ever met such an issue that an extraKey works for US keyboard but not French keyboard?
Here’s the scenario, it would be appreciated a lot if you could share some thoughts, thanks:
In my JS file I defined extraKeys like this:
extraKeys: {
‘Shift-Space’: ‘autocomplete’,
’.’: function(){ //show hints }
when I compose script using US keyboard, I can see the hint when I enter dot(just press this key “.”);
while when I use French keyboard, I cannot see the hint after I input dot(have to press a key-combination which is “Shift” and “;”).

Solution is like this:
extraKeys: {
‘Shift-Space’: ‘autocomplete’,
‘Shift-.’: function(){ //show hints }