Codemirror 6 readOnly editor

I’m trying to set up a basic JSON code editor that can be readOnly.

This tells me that it can be done as an extension and I also found the readOnly prop

But I just can’t figure out how to glue things together :disappointed_relieved:

You need to use the readOnly facet as an extension in your view. For example, to set the editor as readOnly, you need to add this to your extensions:



hello, can i add it to EditorState after running extensions, as trigger - select readOnly / deselect readOnly
and how ? if you have some code example - please let me understand how it works )

See the configuration example.

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You can do that with extension

import { EditorView } from "@codemirror/view"
import { EditorState } from "@codemirror/state"

let editable = false

new EditorView ({
 extensions: [ EditorState.readOnly.of(editable), ...]

I have also struggled to find a “setReadOnly” method/property to make an editor read-only. It should be like an on/off switch available after the editor has been created or loaded.

What I finally did was to set the “contenteditable” property of the “cm-content” element to “false” or to “true” as needed.

document.querySelector("#editor .cm-content").setAttribute("contenteditable","false");

A CSS class can also be added to show a visual effect defining the read-only status to the user.

document.querySelector("#editor .cm-content").classList.add("cm-editor-readonly");

The function in traditional JS:

	function setReadOnly(readOnly){
		if( readOnly ){
			document.querySelector("#editor .cm-content").classList.add("cm-editor-readonly");
			document.querySelector("#editor .cm-content").setAttribute("contenteditable","false");
			document.querySelector("#editor .cm-content").classList.remove("cm-editor-readonly");
			document.querySelector("#editor .cm-content").setAttribute("contenteditable","true");

The user can still scroll and copy code, which I wanted. But now I can switch to read-only on demand.

In the end, CodeMirror operates the DOM too. I consider this a “hack” until I found the easy way to just do EditorView.setReadOnly(true).

I hope this helps someone.

That’s very much not how you do this. This example covers dynamic configuration.