CodeMirror - Ignore show hints if the class is cm-string

Using the CodeMirror editor with the hint add-on, when I type a double-quote the cm-string class is added as expected and it ignores show hints for any keystrokes in cm-string as expected. However, when typing a single-quote, it adds the cm-string class but doesn’t ignore show hints. How do I get it to ignore show hints after a single-quote. For example:

WHERE column IN ('o <-- After typing this "o" I want it to ignore show hints

It works fine with a double quote, for example:

WHERE column IN ("o <-- After typing this 'o', it ignores show hints

This’ll be some logic in sql-hint.js, which I’m not actively maintaining, but if you debug it a pull request would be welcome.

I have added a bunch of custom code to capture the difference between schemas, tables, columns, sqlpsm, and views. Therefore, I don’t know that doing a pull request is best.

I found that changing this line:

if (token.string.match(/^[.`"\w@][\w$#]*$/g)) {

to this:

if (token.string.match(/^[.`"'\w@][\w$#]*$/g)) {

solves this problem.

Done in this patch.

Thank you.