I’m using CodeMirror6 to build my document editor, but I encountered a problem. If the document is large, when I print it, I always lose the last few lines (mostly 4 lines).
I first suspected that it was a problem with my code, so I built a very basic Demo, and the problem still exists.
Through the afterprint debugger, I found that the cm-scroller height is less than the height of cm-gutters, and I had to modify the overflow property of cm-scroller.
My environment:MacOS Chrome 130.0.6723.117(arm64) (Safari everything is ok)
This is my Demo code(Ignore this long code, just to construct more lines)
import './App.css';
import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { lineNumbers, EditorView } from "@codemirror/view"
import { EditorState } from "@codemirror/state"
function App() {
useEffect(() => {
const state = EditorState.create({
doc: `
Embedded code editor
It can be useful to have the in-document representation of some node, such as a code block, math formula, or image, show up as a custom editor control specifically for such content. Node views are a ProseMirror feature that make this possible.
In this example, we set up code blocks, as they exist in the basic schema, to be rendered as instances of CodeMirror, a code editor component. The general idea is quite similar to the footnote example, but instead of popping up the node-specific editor when the user selects the node, it is always visible.
Wiring such a node view and keymap into an editor gives us something like this:
The code block is a code editor
This editor has been wired up to render code blocks as instances of the CodeMirror code editor, which provides syntax highlighting, auto-indentation, and similar.
function max(a, b) {
return a > b ? a : b
The content of the code editor is kept in sync with the content of the code block in the rich text editor, so that it is as if you're directly editing the outer document, using a more convenient interface.
Because we want changes in the code editor to be reflected in the ProseMirror document, our node view must flush changes to its content to ProseMirror as soon as they happen. To allow ProseMirror commands to act on the right selection, the code editor will also sync its current selection to ProseMirror.
The first thing we do in our code block node view is create an editor with some basic extensions, a few extra key bindings, and an update listener that will do the synchronization.
import {
EditorView as CodeMirror, keymap as cmKeymap, drawSelection
} from "@codemirror/view"
import {javascript} from "@codemirror/lang-javascript"
import {defaultKeymap} from "@codemirror/commands"
import {syntaxHighlighting, defaultHighlightStyle} from "@codemirror/language"
import {exitCode} from "prosemirror-commands"
import {undo, redo} from "prosemirror-history"
class CodeBlockView {
constructor(node, view, getPos) {
// Store for later
this.node = node
this.view = view
this.getPos = getPos
// Create a CodeMirror instance
this.cm = new CodeMirror({
doc: this.node.textContent,
extensions: [
CodeMirror.updateListener.of(update => this.forwardUpdate(update))
// The editor's outer node is our DOM representation
this.dom = this.cm.dom
// This flag is used to avoid an update loop between the outer and
// inner editor
this.updating = false
When the code editor is focused, translate any update that changes the document or selection to a ProseMirror transaction. The getPos that was passed to the node view can be used to find out where our code content starts, relative to the outer document (the + 1 skips the code block opening token).
forwardUpdate(update) {
if (this.updating || !this.cm.hasFocus) return
let offset = this.getPos() + 1, {main} = update.state.selection
let selFrom = offset + main.from, selTo = offset + main.to
let pmSel = this.view.state.selection
if (update.docChanged || pmSel.from != selFrom || pmSel.to != selTo) {
let tr = this.view.state.tr
update.changes.iterChanges((fromA, toA, fromB, toB, text) => {
if (text.length)
tr.replaceWith(offset + fromA, offset + toA,
tr.delete(offset + fromA, offset + toA)
offset += (toB - fromB) - (toA - fromA)
tr.setSelection(TextSelection.create(tr.doc, selFrom, selTo))
When adding steps to a transaction for content changes, the offset is adjusted for the changes in length caused by the change, so that further steps are created in the correct position.
The setSelection method on a node view will be called when ProseMirror tries to put the selection inside the node. Our implementation makes sure the CodeMirror selection is set to match the position that is passed in.
setSelection(anchor, head) {
this.updating = true
this.cm.dispatch({selection: {anchor, head}})
this.updating = false
A somewhat tricky aspect of nesting editor like this is handling cursor motion across the edges of the inner editor. This node view will have to take care of allowing the user to move the selection out of the code editor. For that purpose, it binds the arrow keys to handlers that check if further motion would ‘escape’ the editor, and if so, return the selection and focus to the outer editor.
The keymap also binds keys for undo and redo, which the outer editor will handle, and for ctrl-enter, which, in ProseMirror's base keymap, creates a new paragraph after a code block.
codeMirrorKeymap() {
let view = this.view
return [
{key: "ArrowUp", run: () => this.maybeEscape("line", -1)},
{key: "ArrowLeft", run: () => this.maybeEscape("char", -1)},
{key: "ArrowDown", run: () => this.maybeEscape("line", 1)},
{key: "ArrowRight", run: () => this.maybeEscape("char", 1)},
{key: "Ctrl-Enter", run: () => {
if (!exitCode(view.state, view.dispatch)) return false
return true
{key: "Ctrl-z", mac: "Cmd-z",
run: () => undo(view.state, view.dispatch)},
{key: "Shift-Ctrl-z", mac: "Shift-Cmd-z",
run: () => redo(view.state, view.dispatch)},
{key: "Ctrl-y", mac: "Cmd-y",
run: () => redo(view.state, view.dispatch)}
maybeEscape(unit, dir) {
let {state} = this.cm, {main} = state.selection
if (!main.empty) return false
if (unit == "line") main = state.doc.lineAt(main.head)
if (dir < 0 ? main.from > 0 : main.to < state.doc.length) return false
let targetPos = this.getPos() + (dir < 0 ? 0 : this.node.nodeSize)
let selection = Selection.near(this.view.state.doc.resolve(targetPos), dir)
let tr = this.view.state.tr.setSelection(selection).scrollIntoView()
When a node update comes in from ProseMirror, for example because of an undo action, we sort of have to do the inverse of what forwardUpdate did—check for text changes, and if present, propagate them from the outer to the inner editor.
To avoid needlessly clobbering the state of the inner editor, this method only generates a replacement for the range of the content that was changed, by comparing the start and end of the old and new content.
update(node) {
if (node.type != this.node.type) return false
this.node = node
if (this.updating) return true
let newText = node.textContent, curText = this.cm.state.doc.toString()
if (newText != curText) {
let start = 0, curEnd = curText.length, newEnd = newText.length
while (start < curEnd &&
curText.charCodeAt(start) == newText.charCodeAt(start)) {
while (curEnd > start && newEnd > start &&
curText.charCodeAt(curEnd - 1) == newText.charCodeAt(newEnd - 1)) {
this.updating = true
changes: {
from: start, to: curEnd,
insert: newText.slice(start, newEnd)
this.updating = false
return true
The updating property is used to disable the event listener on the code editor, so that it doesn't try to forward the change (which just came from ProseMirror) back to ProseMirror.
selectNode() { this.cm.focus() }
stopEvent() { return true }
Handling cursor motion from the outer to the inner editor must be done with a keymap on the outer editor, because the browser's native behavior won't handle this. The arrowHandler function uses the endOfTextblock method to determine, in a bidi-text-aware way, whether the cursor is at the end of a given textblock. If it is, and the next block is a code block, the selection is moved into it.
import {keymap} from "prosemirror-keymap"
function arrowHandler(dir) {
return (state, dispatch, view) => {
if (state.selection.empty && view.endOfTextblock(dir)) {
let side = dir == "left" || dir == "up" ? -1 : 1
let $head = state.selection.$head
let nextPos = Selection.near(
state.doc.resolve(side > 0 ? $head.after() : $head.before()), side)
if (nextPos.$head && nextPos.$head.parent.type.name == "code_block") {
return true
return false
const arrowHandlers = keymap({
ArrowLeft: arrowHandler("left"),
ArrowRight: arrowHandler("right"),
ArrowUp: arrowHandler("up"),
ArrowDown: arrowHandler("down")
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Embedded code editor
It can be useful to have the in-document representation of some node, such as a code block, math formula, or image, show up as a custom editor control specifically for such content. Node views are a ProseMirror feature that make this possible.
In this example, we set up code blocks, as they exist in the basic schema, to be rendered as instances of CodeMirror, a code editor component. The general idea is quite similar to the footnote example, but instead of popping up the node-specific editor when the user selects the node, it is always visible.
Wiring such a node view and keymap into an editor gives us something like this:
The code block is a code editor
This editor has been wired up to render code blocks as instances of the CodeMirror code editor, which provides syntax highlighting, auto-indentation, and similar.
function max(a, b) {
return a > b ? a : b
The content of the code editor is kept in sync with the content of the code block in the rich text editor, so that it is as if you're directly editing the outer document, using a more convenient interface.
Because we want changes in the code editor to be reflected in the ProseMirror document, our node view must flush changes to its content to ProseMirror as soon as they happen. To allow ProseMirror commands to act on the right selection, the code editor will also sync its current selection to ProseMirror.
The first thing we do in our code block node view is create an editor with some basic extensions, a few extra key bindings, and an update listener that will do the synchronization.
import {
EditorView as CodeMirror, keymap as cmKeymap, drawSelection
} from "@codemirror/view"
import {javascript} from "@codemirror/lang-javascript"
import {defaultKeymap} from "@codemirror/commands"
import {syntaxHighlighting, defaultHighlightStyle} from "@codemirror/language"
import {exitCode} from "prosemirror-commands"
import {undo, redo} from "prosemirror-history"
class CodeBlockView {
constructor(node, view, getPos) {
// Store for later
this.node = node
this.view = view
this.getPos = getPos
// Create a CodeMirror instance
this.cm = new CodeMirror({
doc: this.node.textContent,
extensions: [
CodeMirror.updateListener.of(update => this.forwardUpdate(update))
// The editor's outer node is our DOM representation
this.dom = this.cm.dom
// This flag is used to avoid an update loop between the outer and
// inner editor
this.updating = false
When the code editor is focused, translate any update that changes the document or selection to a ProseMirror transaction. The getPos that was passed to the node view can be used to find out where our code content starts, relative to the outer document (the + 1 skips the code block opening token).
forwardUpdate(update) {
if (this.updating || !this.cm.hasFocus) return
let offset = this.getPos() + 1, {main} = update.state.selection
let selFrom = offset + main.from, selTo = offset + main.to
let pmSel = this.view.state.selection
if (update.docChanged || pmSel.from != selFrom || pmSel.to != selTo) {
let tr = this.view.state.tr
update.changes.iterChanges((fromA, toA, fromB, toB, text) => {
if (text.length)
tr.replaceWith(offset + fromA, offset + toA,
tr.delete(offset + fromA, offset + toA)
offset += (toB - fromB) - (toA - fromA)
tr.setSelection(TextSelection.create(tr.doc, selFrom, selTo))
When adding steps to a transaction for content changes, the offset is adjusted for the changes in length caused by the change, so that further steps are created in the correct position.
The setSelection method on a node view will be called when ProseMirror tries to put the selection inside the node. Our implementation makes sure the CodeMirror selection is set to match the position that is passed in.
setSelection(anchor, head) {
this.updating = true
this.cm.dispatch({selection: {anchor, head}})
this.updating = false
A somewhat tricky aspect of nesting editor like this is handling cursor motion across the edges of the inner editor. This node view will have to take care of allowing the user to move the selection out of the code editor. For that purpose, it binds the arrow keys to handlers that check if further motion would ‘escape’ the editor, and if so, return the selection and focus to the outer editor.
The keymap also binds keys for undo and redo, which the outer editor will handle, and for ctrl-enter, which, in ProseMirror's base keymap, creates a new paragraph after a code block.
codeMirrorKeymap() {
let view = this.view
return [
{key: "ArrowUp", run: () => this.maybeEscape("line", -1)},
{key: "ArrowLeft", run: () => this.maybeEscape("char", -1)},
{key: "ArrowDown", run: () => this.maybeEscape("line", 1)},
{key: "ArrowRight", run: () => this.maybeEscape("char", 1)},
{key: "Ctrl-Enter", run: () => {
if (!exitCode(view.state, view.dispatch)) return false
return true
{key: "Ctrl-z", mac: "Cmd-z",
run: () => undo(view.state, view.dispatch)},
{key: "Shift-Ctrl-z", mac: "Shift-Cmd-z",
run: () => redo(view.state, view.dispatch)},
{key: "Ctrl-y", mac: "Cmd-y",
run: () => redo(view.state, view.dispatch)}
maybeEscape(unit, dir) {
let {state} = this.cm, {main} = state.selection
if (!main.empty) return false
if (unit == "line") main = state.doc.lineAt(main.head)
if (dir < 0 ? main.from > 0 : main.to < state.doc.length) return false
let targetPos = this.getPos() + (dir < 0 ? 0 : this.node.nodeSize)
let selection = Selection.near(this.view.state.doc.resolve(targetPos), dir)
let tr = this.view.state.tr.setSelection(selection).scrollIntoView()
When a node update comes in from ProseMirror, for example because of an undo action, we sort of have to do the inverse of what forwardUpdate did—check for text changes, and if present, propagate them from the outer to the inner editor.
To avoid needlessly clobbering the state of the inner editor, this method only generates a replacement for the range of the content that was changed, by comparing the start and end of the old and new content.
update(node) {
if (node.type != this.node.type) return false
this.node = node
if (this.updating) return true
let newText = node.textContent, curText = this.cm.state.doc.toString()
if (newText != curText) {
let start = 0, curEnd = curText.length, newEnd = newText.length
while (start < curEnd &&
curText.charCodeAt(start) == newText.charCodeAt(start)) {
while (curEnd > start && newEnd > start &&
curText.charCodeAt(curEnd - 1) == newText.charCodeAt(newEnd - 1)) {
this.updating = true
changes: {
from: start, to: curEnd,
insert: newText.slice(start, newEnd)
this.updating = false
return true
The updating property is used to disable the event listener on the code editor, so that it doesn't try to forward the change (which just came from ProseMirror) back to ProseMirror.
selectNode() { this.cm.focus() }
stopEvent() { return true }
Handling cursor motion from the outer to the inner editor must be done with a keymap on the outer editor, because the browser's native behavior won't handle this. The arrowHandler function uses the endOfTextblock method to determine, in a bidi-text-aware way, whether the cursor is at the end of a given textblock. If it is, and the next block is a code block, the selection is moved into it.
import {keymap} from "prosemirror-keymap"
function arrowHandler(dir) {
return (state, dispatch, view) => {
if (state.selection.empty && view.endOfTextblock(dir)) {
let side = dir == "left" || dir == "up" ? -1 : 1
let $head = state.selection.$head
let nextPos = Selection.near(
state.doc.resolve(side > 0 ? $head.after() : $head.before()), side)
if (nextPos.$head && nextPos.$head.parent.type.name == "code_block") {
return true
return false
const arrowHandlers = keymap({
ArrowLeft: arrowHandler("left"),
ArrowRight: arrowHandler("right"),
ArrowUp: arrowHandler("up"),
ArrowDown: arrowHandler("down")
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extensions: [
const cm = new EditorView({
parent: document.querySelector("#editor123456"),
}, [])
return (
<div className="App" id="editor123456">
export default App;
This is a phenomenon
I hava no idea about this, can anyone help me?