Deeply nested parser

Hey, and thanks for the great work on CodeMirror and Lezer!

I’ve been extending the JavaScript parser to support nested grammars with template literals, e.g.


has HTML highlighting. I have been using parseMixed to embed grammars, but am unable to nest grammars. For instance,

html`<span>hello ${"world"}</span>`

works fine, but

html`<span>hello ${html`<b>world`}</span>`

fails to highlight <b>world.

I’m using overlays to re-highlight template parts in JavaScript. The full code is:

/* wrap: */ parseMixed((node, input) => {
  if ( !== 38 /* TemplateString */) {
    return null;

  const tagNode = node.node.prevSibling;

  if (tagNode === null || !== 11 /* VariableName */) {
    return null;

  const tag =,;
  let parser: Parser;

  if (tag === "css") {
    parser = cssLanguage.parser;
  } else if (tag === "html") {
    parser = htmlLanguage.parser;
  } else if (tag === "md") {
    parser = markdownLanguage.parser;
  } else {
    return null;

  const overlay: { from: number, to: number }[] = [];
  let from = node.from;

  for (let child = node.node.firstChild; child !== null; child = child!.nextSibling) {
    overlay.push({ from, to: child.from });
    from =;

  if (overlay.length === 0) {
    return { parser };

  overlay.push({ from, to: });

  return { parser, overlay };

Instead of using overlays, I thought about configuring nested parsers to highlight specific ranges in my custom syntax, but am not sure how to achieve that.

Any idea on how I could achieve any of the above ideas?


That was unintentional behavior. Upgrade to @lezer/common 0.15.4, it should fix it.

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Great, upgrading to 0.15.4 did fix it! Thank you.

In case anyone else is reading this in the very near future, right now other Lezer / CodeMirror packages aren’t up to date yet and will conflict with @lezer/common 0.15.4, which can be fixed by adding a resolution like so in package.json:

"resolutions": {
  "@lezer/common": "0.15.4"