Does CodeMirror have an online source code conversion to css in all programing languages ?

hello. I cannot find any online source code conversion to css in all programing languages ?

Right now I am using this 3 very well website. But Code Mirror should also make an online converter, so that everyone can use it, even those who have a simple website in html, or who do not know css well. In addition, there are more and more such syntax highlighter on the web, you must have one too.

You may be looking for runmode, I’m not sure.

I am very sorry to say it, but that runmode you link over there, is a bag joke.

This is how is must be done a “syntax highlighter” conversion, so as to choose my own code and to copy it with the formated css code in any programing languages I want.

This is how CodeMirror should look like if he wants everyone to use it:

Fortunately, you’re not in a position to drop in here and tell us what we ‘should’ be doing. Move along now, go bother some other project’s maintainer if CodeMirror doesn’t suit your needs.

you should learn the needs of customers and their requirements before you get upset …
