Does tab key work in codemirror 6?

I just found this codemirror project and I’ve started with version 6. When testing it, I noticed that the tab key doesn’t insert a tab. I check out an older version and tab works in there.

Is tab just not defined in version 6 yet or is there something I need to set up?

That’s intentional, and important for accessibility. See

Thanks but I really need tabs to works so I can add it. Based on the link you gave me, I tried the following code but it doesn’t work. I get cannot find name ‘keymap’. What am I doing wrong?

import { defaultKeymap, indentMore, indentLess } from "@codemirror/next/commands";
  extensions: [
        key: "Tab",
        preventDefault: true,
        run: indentMore,
        key: "Shift-Tab",
        preventDefault: true,
        run: indentLess,

Not importing it, it seems (import {keymap} from "@codemirror/next/view"). Also, you’re passing it an invalid argument—you need ... in front of defaultKeymap for it to become part of the outer array.

Thank you. I’ll give that a try. I am a C# developer so this is new to me.

I was able to get codemirror V6 to enter a tab character but it is always at the beginning of the line. How do I get the insert to be a the carat position? Here is the code I copied.

export const insertTab: StateCommand = ({state, dispatch}) => {
  dispatch(state.update(changeBySelectedLine(state, (line, changes) => {
    changes.push({from: line.from, insert: "\t"})
  return true
const indentWithTab = {

  key: 'Tab',

  run: insertTab


const state = EditorState.create({

  doc: '',

  extensions: [







As a follow up – is there a convenient command for “indent if at the beginning of line, but insert tab character in the middle of the line”? (This is sort of what Eclipse seems to do)

You may use @codemirror/command and add keymap like this

                        key: 'Tab',
                        preventDefault: true,
                        run: insertTab,
                        key: 'Shift-Tab',
                        preventDefault: true,
                        run: indentLess,

it’s worked for me :smiley: