Ellipsis is not working in placeholder extension

Hi I am using placeholder extension imported from

import { placeholder } from ‘@codemirror/view’

The current behaviour is on changing the editor size horizontally , the word is breaking and the placeholder becomes 2 liner , but what I want is to be in single line and if the text overflows the placeholder text should become ellipses.
Also I am using lineWrapping extension, I tried adding inline styles to cm-placeholder to make it ellipses , but none of them are working ,

Also I was able to reporduce here → Try CodeMirror

Thanks In Advance for help :slightly_smiling_face:.

You could use CSS like this to get such an effect. Unfortunately, due to the weird way that overflow: hidden elements still increase the size of their parents in CSS, this only seems to work if you’re able to set a fixed width for the placeholder.

But setting a fixed width , will stop the editor resizing horizontally.

Hi @marijn is there any workaround for this??

I told you I didn’t know. I’m willing to look into issues with my library here, but not to solve your CSS problems for you for free.

I am sorry for this , I thought that this is issue with library, I will check on my end.

And thanks for great library.