We use a custom DSL for some templating stuff within our app and have the following grammar:
@top Instructions { content+ }
content { Comment | Command | ConditionalOpen | ConditionalBranch | ConditionalClose | Text }
@tokens {
seperatableDigit { $[0-9_] }
FunctionName { $[a-zA-Z.]+ }
NumberLiteral { $[-]? seperatableDigit+ ("." seperatableDigit+)? }
StringLiteral {
'"' (!["\\] | "\\" _)* '"' |
"'" (!['\\] | '\\' _)* "'"
Text[group=TextContent] { ![{]+ }
space { (@whitespace | "\t" | "\r" | "\n")+ }
OpenTag[closedBy=CloseTag] { "{" }
CloseTag[openedBy=OpenTag] { "}" }
OpenArgs[closedBy=CloseArgs] { "(" }
CloseArgs[openedBy=OpenArgs] { ")" }
OpIn[group=Operators] { "in" }
OpAdd[group=Operators] { "+" }
StartIf[group=Logic] { "#if" }
ElseIf[group=Logic] { "#elseif" }
Else[group=Logic] { "#else" }
EndIf[group=Logic] { "#endif" }
CommentOpen[closedBy=CommentClose, group=Comment] { "{!" }
CommentClose[openedBy=CommentOpen, group=Comment] { "!}" }
CommentContent { (![\!] | "!" ![\}])+ }
@precedence { CommentOpen, OpenTag }
@precedence { CommentClose, Text }
@precedence { OpIn, FunctionName }
Comment[isolate=ltr] {
CommentOpen CommentContent* CommentClose
@skip { space } {
argument { NumberLiteral | StringLiteral | Invocation }
operation { argument | OperationAdd | OperationInclude }
OperationAdd {
argument (OpAdd argument)+
OperationInclude[isolate=ltr] {
argument OpIn argument
ConditionalOpen[closedBy=ConditionalClose,isolate=ltr] {
OpenTag StartIf ((OpenArgs operation CloseArgs) | operation) CloseTag
ConditionalBranch[isolate=ltr] {
OpenTag ElseIf ((OpenArgs operation CloseArgs) | operation) CloseTag |
OpenTag Else CloseTag
ConditionalClose[openedBy=ConditionalOpen,isolate=ltr] {
OpenTag EndIf CloseTag
FollowupParameter[isolate=ltr] {
"," operation
Invocation[isolate=ltr] {
FunctionName (OpenArgs (operation FollowupParameter*)+ CloseArgs)?
Command[isolate=ltr] {
OpenTag Invocation CloseTag
For some reason, when I enter {foo("bar")}
it detects it just fine as a function, with the argument foo. However, if I call a function called “include”, it no longer gets highlighted: {include("bar")}
as it probably thinks it got the “in” keyword.
I tried a couple things but only seem to have made it worse. Sometimes it says I can’t move the OpIn
part out of the @skip
block, if i change the precedence, other things seem to break.
Any help would be much appreciated!