Function names aren't highlighted when keywords are used in custom DSL

We use a custom DSL for some templating stuff within our app and have the following grammar:

@top Instructions { content+ }

content { Comment | Command | ConditionalOpen | ConditionalBranch | ConditionalClose | Text }

@tokens {
  seperatableDigit { $[0-9_] }

  FunctionName { $[a-zA-Z.]+ }
  NumberLiteral { $[-]? seperatableDigit+ ("." seperatableDigit+)? }
  StringLiteral {
    '"' (!["\\] | "\\" _)* '"' |
    "'" (!['\\] | '\\' _)* "'"

  Text[group=TextContent] { ![{]+ }
  space { (@whitespace | "\t" | "\r" | "\n")+ }

  OpenTag[closedBy=CloseTag] { "{" }
  CloseTag[openedBy=OpenTag] { "}" }

  OpenArgs[closedBy=CloseArgs] { "(" }
  CloseArgs[openedBy=OpenArgs] { ")" }

  OpIn[group=Operators] { "in" }
  OpAdd[group=Operators] { "+" }

  StartIf[group=Logic] { "#if" }
  ElseIf[group=Logic] { "#elseif" }
  Else[group=Logic] { "#else" }
  EndIf[group=Logic] { "#endif" }

  CommentOpen[closedBy=CommentClose, group=Comment] { "{!" }
  CommentClose[openedBy=CommentOpen, group=Comment] { "!}" }
  CommentContent { (![\!] | "!" ![\}])+ }

  @precedence { CommentOpen, OpenTag }
  @precedence { CommentClose, Text }
  @precedence { OpIn, FunctionName }

Comment[isolate=ltr] {
  CommentOpen CommentContent* CommentClose

@skip { space } {
  argument { NumberLiteral | StringLiteral | Invocation }
  operation { argument | OperationAdd | OperationInclude }

  OperationAdd {
    argument (OpAdd argument)+

  OperationInclude[isolate=ltr] {
    argument OpIn argument

  ConditionalOpen[closedBy=ConditionalClose,isolate=ltr] {
    OpenTag StartIf ((OpenArgs operation CloseArgs) | operation) CloseTag

  ConditionalBranch[isolate=ltr] {
    OpenTag ElseIf ((OpenArgs operation CloseArgs) | operation) CloseTag |
    OpenTag Else CloseTag

  ConditionalClose[openedBy=ConditionalOpen,isolate=ltr] {
    OpenTag EndIf CloseTag

  FollowupParameter[isolate=ltr] {
    "," operation

  Invocation[isolate=ltr] {
    FunctionName (OpenArgs (operation FollowupParameter*)+ CloseArgs)?

  Command[isolate=ltr] {
    OpenTag Invocation CloseTag

For some reason, when I enter {foo("bar")} it detects it just fine as a function, with the argument foo. However, if I call a function called “include”, it no longer gets highlighted: {include("bar")} as it probably thinks it got the “in” keyword.

I tried a couple things but only seem to have made it worse. Sometimes it says I can’t move the OpIn part out of the @skip block, if i change the precedence, other things seem to break.


Any help would be much appreciated!

Don’t use literal tokens ("in") for keywords. They’ll, as you find, match any word with in as a prefix. You’ll want to use @specialize with your identifier token type (which I guess is FunctionName instead, so that the tokenizer first matches the entire word, and then looks whether the resulting word matches an identifier.

Ok, thanks! I assume this is correct then?

OpIn {
  @specialize<FunctionName, "in">

It shows up correctly at least:

When we need more keywords (like and, or), I guess I just have to create new blocks like above?

Yes, that looks correct. Many grammars use a macro like this to easily define keywords.

kw<term> { @specialize[@name={term}]<identifier, term> }
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