Highlight progrmmatic selection

Hello! Here is a fragment from the editor.js file that I use to generate the CM 6 editor I use:

 editor.dispatch({selection: sel});

When this code executes executes, the relevant text in the editor scrolls into view and is highlighted
in the sense that its background changes color. I want to set the background color myself.
At the moment the color is set to black, which I do not want. (Some kind of defalt?)

Below is the style info in my theme:

let myTheme = EditorView.theme({

    "&": {
        color: "#ddd",
        backgroundColor: "#303040" 
    "&.cm-highlight": {
        backgroundColor: "#a6a"
    "&.cm-content": {
        caretColor: "#0e9",
        backgroundColor: "#a6a"
    "&.cm-focused .cm-cursor": {
        borderLeftColor: "#0e9",
        highlightColor: "#037ffc"
    "&.cm-focused .cm-selectionBackground, ::selection": {
        backgroundColor: "#e74",
        color: "#fff"
    "&.cm-gutters": {
        backgroundColor: "#045",
        color: "#ddd",
        border: "none"
    "&.cm-bracket": { color: "#f00" },  // not working // "#f70a0a"
    ".cm-activeLine": { backgroundColor: "#008c8c"},
    "&.cm-selected": { backgroundColor: "#f00"},

}, {dark: true})

PS. When I select something in the editor manually, it is highlighted in orange. This comes the following CSS:

    "&.cm-focused .cm-selectionBackground, ::selection": {
        backgroundColor: "#e74",
        color: "#fff"