highlightSelectionMatches count

I am wanting to get the count for the matches it finds per work that the cursor is over. Currently this works fine for the standard code that’s being used but it highlights words that do not repeat (aka have a match)

for simplicity sake, I set up a FIDDLE so that It’s easier to show you what I am talking about above.

Any help would be great as I have been poking at the code for a few hours now and haven’t been able to find any function that houses the match found(s).

match code:

(function(mod) {
  if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
  else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
    define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
  else // Plain browser env
})(function(CodeMirror) {
  "use strict";

  var DEFAULT_TOKEN_STYLE = "matchhighlight";
  var DEFAULT_DELAY = 100;
  var DEFAULT_WORDS_ONLY = false;

  function State(options) {
    if (typeof options == "object") {
      this.minChars = options.minChars;
      this.style = options.style;
      this.showToken = options.showToken;
      this.delay = options.delay;
      this.wordsOnly = options.wordsOnly;
    if (this.style == null) this.style = DEFAULT_TOKEN_STYLE;
    if (this.minChars == null) this.minChars = DEFAULT_MIN_CHARS;
    if (this.delay == null) this.delay = DEFAULT_DELAY;
    if (this.wordsOnly == null) this.wordsOnly = DEFAULT_WORDS_ONLY;
    this.overlay = this.timeout = null;

  CodeMirror.defineOption("highlightSelectionMatches", false, function(cm, val, old) {
    if (old && old != CodeMirror.Init) {
      var over = cm.state.matchHighlighter.overlay;
      if (over) cm.removeOverlay(over);
      cm.state.matchHighlighter = null;
      cm.off("cursorActivity", cursorActivity);
    if (val) {
      cm.state.matchHighlighter = new State(val);
      cm.on("cursorActivity", cursorActivity);

  function cursorActivity(cm) {
    var state = cm.state.matchHighlighter;
    state.timeout = setTimeout(function() {highlightMatches(cm);}, state.delay);

  function highlightMatches(cm) {
    cm.operation(function() {
      var state = cm.state.matchHighlighter;
      if (state.overlay) {
        state.overlay = null;
      if (!cm.somethingSelected() && state.showToken) {
        var re = state.showToken === true ? /[\w$]/ : state.showToken;
        var cur = cm.getCursor(), line = cm.getLine(cur.line), start = cur.ch, end = start;
        while (start && re.test(line.charAt(start - 1))) --start;
        while (end < line.length && re.test(line.charAt(end))) ++end;
        if (start < end)
          cm.addOverlay(state.overlay = makeOverlay(line.slice(start, end), re, state.style));
      var from = cm.getCursor("from"), to = cm.getCursor("to");
      if (from.line != to.line) return;
      if (state.wordsOnly && !isWord(cm, from, to)) return;
      var selection = cm.getRange(from, to).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
      if (selection.length >= state.minChars)
        cm.addOverlay(state.overlay = makeOverlay(selection, false, state.style));

  function isWord(cm, from, to) {
    var str = cm.getRange(from, to);
    if (str.match(/^\w+$/) !== null) {
        if (from.ch > 0) {
            var pos = {line: from.line, ch: from.ch - 1};
            var chr = cm.getRange(pos, from);
            if (chr.match(/\W/) === null) return false;
        if (to.ch < cm.getLine(from.line).length) {
            var pos = {line: to.line, ch: to.ch + 1};
            var chr = cm.getRange(to, pos);
            if (chr.match(/\W/) === null) return false;
        return true;
    } else return false;

  function boundariesAround(stream, re) {
    return (!stream.start || !re.test(stream.string.charAt(stream.start - 1))) &&
      (stream.pos == stream.string.length || !re.test(stream.string.charAt(stream.pos)));

  function makeOverlay(query, hasBoundary, style) {
    return {token: function(stream) {
      if (stream.match(query) &&
          (!hasBoundary || boundariesAround(stream, hasBoundary)))
        return style;
      stream.skipTo(query.charAt(0)) || stream.skipToEnd();

Hi. I don’t see a link to a fiddle, and your description of the problem isn’t clear enough for me to figure out what is is, precisely, that you want. The code appears to be most of the match highlighting addon. It isn’t obvious which part you want help with.

Sorry about that. I fixed the fiddle link.

I am wanting the part of the code where it finds the matches so that i can ONLY highlight those matches that it finds when you have your mouse over that word. Currently it highlights the word even if it doesn’t find a match within the code.

Sorry, still not clear.