Hint-function: Filtered hints containing HTML are escaped

Hi all!

I have a custom function for filtering hints, which filters a list of completions with a fuzzy-matching function. I want to highlight the sections of the completions that were matched against the search-term, so I marked with <span class="highlight">s.

For some context, here is the code-section that returns sthe result of the filtering (using the fuzzy.js-library):

return {
  list: fuzzy.filter(search, completions, { before: '<span class="highlight">', after: '</span>' }),
  from: new CodeMirror.Pos(cursor.line, cursor.ch - currentWord.length),
  to: cursor,

Unfortunately, the hint-terms get HTML-escaped, so the <span... is not treated as HTML, but shown as text.

Is there a way to treat the result (the list:-array in the code above) as HTML, not pure text?

No, hint text is text, not HTML. You can provide a custom render method for your hints to adjust the way they appear.

Thanks @marijn, this was the hint I needed!

My code looks like this now, and works perfectly:

return {
    list: results.map(function(result) {
      return {
        string: result,
        render: function(elt, data, cur) {
          const wrapper = document.createElement('div');
          wrapper.innerHTML = result;
    from: new CodeMirror.Pos(cursor.line, cursor.ch - currentWord.length),
    to: cursor,