How to change the indentation when entering a new line?

Hi guys,

How to change the indentation when entering a new line?

Sorry for the probability silly question.

See the indentUnit facet, and see this example for information on how to provide values to facets.

@marijn Just checked your given example. It is pretty useful. Thanks!

Awesome, thanks! I was able to make an Xcode-like settings:

const getIndentationExtensions = (indentation: IIndentation): Array<Extension> => {
  const extensions: Array<Extension> = [];

  const tabSizeCompartment = new Compartment();
  let indentUnitString: string; // What will be added when user presses tab or indentation happens

    tabSizeCompartment.of(EditorState.tabSize.of(indentation.tabWidth)) // Tab width (how many spaces in a tab)

  if (indentation.using === 'spaces') {
    indentUnitString = ' '.repeat(indentation.indentWidth);
  } else {
    const numberOfTabs = Math.floor(indentation.indentWidth / indentation.tabWidth);
    indentUnitString = '\t'.repeat(numberOfTabs);


  return extensions;

const keymaps: Array<KeyBinding> = [];

if (indentation.tabKeyAction === 'indent') {
  keymaps.push(indentWithTab); // Trigger indentation instead of typing tab