How to edit the content replaced by a widget?

I want to implement a What-you-see-is-what-you-get markdown editor.
When the user type **bold**, I want to render it to be an editable bold, so that when pressing backspace, it will become bol

I try this using widget to replace the markdown text, it works. But it turns out I cannot place the cursor into the widget and when the user press backspace, it will become **bold* instead of bol

Any idea of fixing this are appreciated!

Below is my code:

import { MatchDecorator } from "@codemirror/view"
import { Decoration, DecorationSet, EditorView, ViewPlugin, ViewUpdate, WidgetType } from "@uiw/react-codemirror"

const addMatcher = new MatchDecorator({
  regexp: /\*\*([^**]*)\*\*/g,
  decoration: match => Decoration.replace({
    widget: new AddWidget(match[1]),

export const adds = ViewPlugin.fromClass(class {
  adds: DecorationSet
  constructor(view: EditorView) {
    this.adds = addMatcher.createDeco(view)
  update(update: ViewUpdate) {
    this.adds = addMatcher.updateDeco(update, this.adds)
}, {
  decorations: instance => instance.adds,
  provide: (plugin) =>
    EditorView.decorations.of((view) => {
      return view.plugin(plugin)?.adds || Decoration.none;

class AddWidget extends WidgetType {
  constructor(readonly name: string) {
  eq(other: AddWidget) {
    return ==
  toDOM() {
    const elt = document.createElement("span") = `
      font-weight: 900
    elt.textContent =
    // elt.setAttribute('contenteditable', 'true')
    return elt
  ignoreEvent() {
    return false