How to highlight custom tag.

import { liquid } from "@codemirror/lang-liquid";
import { markdown, markdownLanguage } from "@codemirror/lang-markdown";
import { product_cfg } from ".";
import { v_option_cfg, v_quantity_rule_cfg, variant_cfg } from "./variant.cfg";

export const liquid_lang = liquid({
  base: markdown({ base: markdownLanguage }),
  tags: [
      label: "for",
      apply: " for in %} \n\n {% endfor ",
      label: "form",
      apply: " form '' %} \n\n {% endform ",

  variables: [
    { label: "product", type: "variable" },
    { label: "variant", type: "variable" },
    { label: "all_product", apply: "all_product['']", type: "variable" },
  properties: (path) => {
    const join_path = path.join(".");

    if (join_path === "product") return product_cfg;
    if (join_path.startsWith("product.option")) return v_option_cfg;
    if (join_path === "variant") return variant_cfg;
    if (join_path === "variant.quantity_rule") return v_quantity_rule_cfg;
    return [];

I have modified lang-liquid to apply my custom tag. Here “endform” tag is not highlighted. Now how can I highlight it? I am using it on my react project I give the component code in below.

import { liquid_lang } from "@/app/language/liquid";
import { css } from "@codemirror/lang-css";
import { javascript } from "@codemirror/lang-javascript";
// import { liquidLanguage } from "@codemirror/lang-liquid";
// import { LRLanguage } from "@codemirror/language";
// import { styleTags, tags } from "@lezer/highlight";
import CodeMirror, { ReactCodeMirrorRef, basicSetup } from "@uiw/react-codemirror";
import { forwardRef } from "react";

// const cld = LRLanguage.define({
//   parser: liquidLanguage.parser.configure({
//     props: [styleTags({ endform: tags.keyword })],
//     // tokenizers: [{from: ""}]
//   }),
// });

type CodeEditorProps = {
  value?: string;
  custom_class?: string;
  height?: string;
  extension?: string;
  onChange?: (value: string) => void;
  onKeyDown?: (event: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => void;

const CodeEditor = forwardRef<ReactCodeMirrorRef, CodeEditorProps>(
  ({ value, custom_class, height, extension = "js", onChange, onKeyDown }, ref) => {
    const handleLangGrammar = () => {
      if (["html", "liquid"].includes(extension)) return liquid_lang;
      if (["js", "json"].includes(extension)) return javascript({ typescript: true });
      if (["css"].includes(extension)) return css();
      return basicSetup();

    return (
        height={height || "200px"}
        className={custom_class || ""}
      // <div ref={editorRef}></div>
export default CodeEditor;

These options allow you to provide custom completions. They don’t change anything about the highlighting of tags.