How to listen to changes (for react controlled component)

Is there a way to listen to changes? like input/textareas ‘change’ or ‘input’ events?

Ideally I could pass it here:

    const editor = new EditorView({
      doc: value,
      extensions: [basicSetup, keymap.of([indentWithTab]), javascript()],
      // onChange: setValue ??
      parent: ref.current

demo: codemirror6 - CodeSandbox

EditorView.updateListener.of(myHandler) is probably what you’re looking for.

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Thanks, almost there

    const view = new EditorView({
      doc: value,
      extensions: [basicSetup, keymap.of([indentWithTab]), javascript()],
      parent: ref.current

    const facet = EditorView.updateListener.of(view)

I don’t know exactly what to do with this facet, no callback props or arg I can see

Include it in your array of extensions.

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function Editor({ value, onChange }) {
  const ref = useRef();

  useEffect(() => {
    new EditorView({
      doc: value,
      extensions: [
        EditorView.updateListener.of(({ state }) => {
          onChange({ target: { value: state.doc.text?.join('\n') } });
      parent: ref.current
  }, []);

  return <div ref={ref} />;

I’ll see if I can add a React example PR in your examples, if it’s insteresting

updated demo codemirror6 - CodeSandbox

Fantastic stuff btw, I see you switched to contenteditable

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Thank you @caub
Your piece of code was a life saver !