How to make this possible?

This is my grammar:

@skip { spaces }

@precedence {
    times @left,
    plus @left,
    and @left,
    or @left

@top Pipeline {
    state ("|" state)*

state {

MatchState {
    "match:" matchCondition

matchCondition {
    AndCondition | OrCondition | EqCondition | GtCondition | GeCondition | LtCondition | LeCondition | ParenthesizedCondition

AndCondition {
    matchCondition !and "and" matchCondition

OrCondition {
    matchCondition !or "or" matchCondition

NotCondition {
    NotOp matchCondition

EqCondition {
    expression EqOp (logicalExpression | expression)

GtCondition {
    expression GtOp expression

GeCondition {
    expression GeOp expression

LtCondition {
    expression LtOp expression

LeCondition {
    expression LeOp expression

ParenthesizedCondition { "(" matchCondition ")" }

logicalExpression[@isGroup=LogicalExpression] {
    AndLogicalExpression | OrLogicalExpression | ParenthesizedLogicalExpression

AndLogicalExpression {
    (expression | logicalExpression) !and "and" (expression | logicalExpression)

OrLogicalExpression {
    (expression | logicalExpression) !or "or" (expression | logicalExpression)

ParenthesizedLogicalExpression { "(" logicalExpression ")" }

expression[@isGroup=Expression] {
    Number |
    String |
    Identifier |
    @specialize[@name=BooleanLiteral]<Identifier, "true" | "false"> |
    RegExp |
    ArrayExpression {
      "[" commaSep1<"..."? expression | ""> "]"
    } |
    UnaryExpression |
    ParenthesizedExpression |


commaSep<content> {
    (content ("," content)*)?
commaSep1<content> {
    content ("," content)*

ParenthesizedExpression { "(" expression ")" }

UnaryExpression {
    ArithOp<"+" | "-">
BinaryExpression {
    expression !times (ArithOp<"/"> | ArithOp<"%"> | ArithOp<"*">) expression |
    expression !plus ArithOp<"+" | "-"> expression

@tokens {
    spaces[@export] { $[\u0009 \u000b\u00a0]+ }
    newline[@export] { $[\r\n] }

    identifierChar { @asciiLetter | $[_$\u{a1}-\u{10ffff}] }

    Identifier { identifierChar (identifierChar | @digit)* }


    hex { @digit | $[a-fA-F] }

    Number {
        (@digit ("_" | @digit)* ("." ("_" | @digit)*)? | "." @digit ("_" | @digit)*)
            (("e" | "E") ("+" | "-")? ("_" | @digit)+)? |
        @digit ("_" | @digit)* "n" |
        "0x" (hex | "_")+ "n"? |
        "0b" $[01_]+ "n"? |
        "0o" $[0-7_]+ "n"?

    @precedence { Number "." }
    String {
        '"' (![\\\n"] | "\\" _)* '"'? |
        "'" (![\\\n'] | "\\" _)* "'"?


    ArithOp<expr> { expr }

    NotOp { "not" }
    EqOp { "=" }
    LtOp { "<" }
    LeOp { "<=" }
    GtOp { ">" }
    GeOp { ">=" }
    PipeOp { "|" }


    RegExp { "/" (![/\\\n[] | "\\" ![\n] | "[" (![\n\\\]] | "\\" ![\n])* "]")+ ("/" $[gimsuy]*)? }


    "=" "..." "=>"
    "(" ")" "[" "]" "{" "}"
    "." "," ";" ":"

I want this

match: people = 3 or (people = 4 or animal < (people +4) * 4 / money)

to be parsed as

match: (people = 3) or (people = 4 or animal < (people +4) * 4 / money)

which means


However, currently it is parsed as

match: people = (3 or (people = 4 or animal < (people +4) * 4 / money))

which means


I know it’s ambiguous。 But according to the documentation lezer supports branch matching. I’ve tried many combinations and still haven’t tried to figure out where the disambiguation markers should be placed to achieve this effect

Give your EqCondition rule a precedence the way binary and or/and rules have them, and make sure it’s higher than the one for or/and.

Thank your for your response. After referring to your modification, it does not report the error, but

match: people = 3 or 4

is parsed as

match: (people = 3) or 4


match: people = (3 or 4)

which I want.

That looks like it may contradict your expectation for the initial example, where or binds more tightly than =.

In the initial example,
I want

match: people = 3 or (people = 4 or animal < (people +4) * 4 / money)

to be parsed as

match: (people = 3) or (people = 4 or animal < (people +4) * 4 / money)

because (people = 4 or animal < (people +4) * 4 / money) is a matchCondition not expression.
So 3 or (people = 4 or animal < (people +4) * 4 / money) is not a logicalExpression.
Then it should be parsed as matchCondition or matchCondition not expression = logicalExpression