How to update state?

I am finding CodeMirror 6 extremely difficult to understand - there is so little documentation, except for the automatically generated documentation which are extremely complicated and of so little use. I simply cannot get my view to update.

i have text that changes from being loaded by API, the code mirror instance should update to show this new text. i tried the following:

object.code = 'the new text from the db';
let {view} = instance; //instance is my cm6 instance
let transaction = view.state.update({changes : {newDoc : object.code}});

this doesn’t work
nor does this work

let {view} = instance; //instance is my cm6 instance
let transaction = view.state.update({newDoc : object.code});

nor does any other combination of whatever else work.

The dispatch() does not fail.
The update() does not fail.

this also does not work:

let changes = cm6.createEditorState(object.code);
let transaction = view.state.update({changes});

You can pass it any rubbish it will simply execute and do nothing - defeating the whole purpose of having strong types - what a terrible idea to move to typescript imo - never trust m$

switched to ace - works ace