Html text in completition info

How can I display html in tooltips ?

I just need to show a “carriage return” but also \n isn’t working

                customCommands: [
                        label: 'test',
                        type: 'keyword',
                        info: 'Test tooltip<br/>Line2</br>Line3.',
                        apply: (view, completion, from, to) => {
                                changes: {from, to, insert: 'print()'},
                                selection: {anchor: from + 6}

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Can be a plain string or a function that’ll render the DOM structure to show when invoked.

Oops I missed that, thank you,
fixed my code, here an example if others need:

const sanitizedInfo = DOMPurify.sanitize(;
let node = document.createElement('div');
node.innerHTML = sanitizedInfo;
    label: command.label,
    type: 'keyword',
    info: () => node,
    style: command.type,
    apply: (view, completion, from, to) => {
            changes: {from, to, insert: command.label + ' '},
            selection: {anchor: from + command.label.length + 1}