With the same query, the highlighting is done different in React CodeMirror - CodeMirror component for React. with language pgsql. It looks correct.
I have attached the screenshots to show the difference.
Is there anything change recently.
I think I am failing to explain. What you mean is the parsing of text depends on themes? I thought it is based on lang parser.
What I am trying to say is, I am trying to write a custom theme. But since the tokens are not identified there color doesn’t change.
Like I shared in the screenshot - public.film_in_stock is read as “public”, “.”, “film_in_stock” all separately.
But, latest code reads it as single word. How do I change the styling in this case?
The parsing doesn’t depend on the theme, but the highlighting spans that are generated does. If a highlight tag isn’t styled by the theme, no span will be created for it.
Read the docs, read what I told you before, figure it out. The fact that I provide a forum does not imply that I will hand-hold every non-paying user through every issue they run into, sorry.