Listen to Change Event

Hello and sorry for asking such a basic question. I may be just misunderstanding this new structure where everything is an object/module. I have used code mirror 5 for a long time and am now migrating to v6

In CodeMirror 5, I would subscribe to change events like so

editor.on('change', (args) => { doStuff() } )

In CodeMirror 6, I have something like this:

EditorView.updateListener.of((v: ViewUpdate) => {
  // Do something

But this fires on every key press. Thus I’m checking for focusChanged as a workaround. Is there a more direct way to just listen for the native change event?


If you are only interested in updates that change the document, check v.docChanged in your handler.


Hey thanks for taking the time to reply.

I’m going to go with another approach to solve what I want to achieve so no worries on this but just wanted to clarify.

When I say change event I mean the native html change event: HTMLElement: change event - Web APIs | MDN

docChanged fires after a keyup. So not exactly what I’m looking for.

Ah, I see. DOM event handlers are registered with EditorView.domEventHandlers.


Where can I find a working example of how to use domEventHandlers? Listening to change event is a pretty basic thing and I have spent hours trying to figure this out.

Where can I find a working example of how to use domEventHandlers?

This should be a working example:

import {basicSetup, EditorView} from "codemirror"
import {javascript} from "@codemirror/lang-javascript"

new EditorView({
  doc: "console.log('hello')\n",
  extensions: [
    basicSetup, javascript(),
        scroll: () => alert('scroll'),
        focus: () => alert('focus'),
        paste: event => alert('paste ' + event),
  parent: document.body


This does not work for change event.

That’s not a DOM event that ever fires for contenteditable elements.

OK, so back to original question: how do I track changes to content?

Go back to the very first two posts in the topic and you’ll know.

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I followed this thread for my application but there was two problems I’m facing. One is that I can’t use React State function on my onChange. Another is that updateListener is listening to every input components on my web page. How can I make updateListener to ignore other input event?