Making a context-sensitive grammar

Hi, just wanted to share something I’ve been working on (

OK, so here’s a simple grammar:

Simple Grammar
@top Reaction { reaction }

@skip { space }

reaction {
  Reagents { Substance ("+" Substance)* } "->"
  Products { Substance ("+" Substance)* } "~"
  Rate { Embed }

@external tokens embedTokenizer from "./tokens" { Embed }

@tokens {
  Substance { $[a-zA-Z_] $[a-zA-Z_0-9]* }
  space { $[ \t\n\r]+ }


Which, when parsing H2O -> H2 + O ~ tempreature ** 0.5 produces this tree:

Simple Tree

Where Script(...) is a mounted JavaScript tree. So, at first glance this may look like a trivial application of parseMixed. But hold on, let’s take a look at the externals:

Simple Externals
import {
} from '../utils'
import {Embedder} from '../Embedder'
import grammar from './chemistry.grammar' // the "Simple Grammar"
import javascript from './javascript'

const {Embed} = getLRParserTerms(grammar).byName

const {embedTokenizer} = new Embedder(
  (input, stack): LRParser => {
    // !!! COOL STUFF HERE !!!
    return javascript

const externals = {embedTokenizer}
const config = {wrap: parseMixedSubtrees}

export const parser = createLRParser(grammar, externals)

export default parser

The call for new Embedder() creates an external tokenizer, and when that tokenizer is called upon by Lezer, it calls the function passed to new Embedder(), which may return an LRParser. If it does, the tokenizer has that LRParser grab as much valid code as it can, accepts that code as an Embed token and makes a record of which parser should be used for that code range. And after the parse completes, the parseMixedSubtrees utility mounts the subtrees.

This involves less effort than the usual approach to mixed-language parsing (figuring out what parsers to use for subtrees after the base parse rather than during it), since it circumvents the need to manually figure out how far the input stream should be advanced during the parse (by defaulting to “advance past as much valid code as the inner parser can grab”).

So far, we’ve reduced the effort needed to make a mixed-language parser, but haven’t enabled anything particularly novel. I think embed contexts, however, do have some genuinely novel applications. Let’s take a look at them.

With a modified version of the JavaScript parser, this string:

basicFunctionCall(arg) +
chemistry.reaction(H2O -> H2 + O ~ tempreature ** 0.5)

Produces this tree:

JavaScript Tree

We see here, that the argument to basicFunctionCall() is parsed as JavaScript, whereas the argument to chemistry.reaction() uses the chemistry parser. What modifications did we need to make to the JavaScript parser in order to make this possible?

Here are the changes we made to the grammar:

JavaScript Grammar
diff --git a/src/javascript.grammar b/src/javascript.grammar
index b98ca66..0b506f4 100644
--- a/src/javascript.grammar
+++ b/src/javascript.grammar
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@

-@top Script { statement+ }
+@top Script { expressionNoComma }
 statement[@isGroup=Statement] {
-  NewExpression { kw<"new"> expressionNoComma (!newArgs TypeArgList? ArgList)? } |
+  NewExpression[embedContext=1] { kw<"new"> expressionNoComma (!newArgs TypeArgList? ArgList)? } |
-  CallExpression { expressionNoComma !call TypeArgList? ArgList } |
+  CallExpression[embedContext=1] { expressionNoComma !call TypeArgList? ArgList } |
 ArgList {
-  "(" commaSep<"..."? expressionNoComma> ")"
+  "(" commaSep<(EmbedContextual | "..."? expressionNoComma)> ")"

+@external tokens embedTokenizer from "./tokens" { EmbedContextual }
+@external prop embedContext from "./tokens"

We make use of two new externals here, the token EmbedContextual (which one uses the same way they would Embed), and the prop embedContext. In this example we want to pick the parser for each argument of a CallExpression given that CallExpression, so we add EmbedContextual to ArgList and the embedContext prop to CallExpression.

And here’s how we define those externals:

JavaScript Externals
const {embedContext, embedTokenizer} = new Embedder(
  (input, stack, context) => {
    let string = (stack as any).p.input.string
    let callStart = context[1]
    let arglistStart = context.slice(-8)[1]
    let call = string.slice(callStart, arglistStart)

    if (call === 'chemistry.reaction') return chemistry
  {Embed, EmbedContextual}

Whenever an EmbedContextual token can be shifted the function passed to new Embedder() is called with context defined, which provides all the information needed to pick a relevant parser. Regarding the format of that information, context is a number buffer structured like so:

[term0, start0, end0, size0, term1, start1, end1, term1, ...]

That format is somewhat inscrutable, but the structure/meaning of these buffers can be readily revealed by a print utility like so:

Print Utility (with example output)
const printBuffer = (buffer: number[], grammar: string) => {
  let terms = getLRParserTerms(grammar).byId
  let printed = ''
  for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; i += 4) {
    let [term, start, end, size] = buffer.slice(i, i + 4)
    printed += `${terms[term]}[${start}:${end}] ${size / 4}\n`
  return printed

Example output:

VariableName[25:34] 1
"."[34:35] 1
PropertyName[35:43] 1
MemberExpression[25:43] 4
"("[43:44] 1
EmbedContextual[44:44] 1
")"[44:44] 1
ArgList[43:44] 4
CallExpression[25:44] 9

One may notice, that according to the buffer EmbedContextual and ")" both have a length of zero, and therein lies a clue to the embedder’s modus operandi. Whenever an EmbedContextual token can be shifted the embedder creates a parse fork, takes the minimum number of actions necessary to reduce a term with the embedContext prop, copies the buffer from that fork, and then proceeds acording to what has already been described. So part of the buffer doesn’t actually come from the input at all, but is instead artificially synthesized from the parser’s automaton.

And that’s everything I’ve done so far! It’s a new approach to mixed-language parsing. If you’d like to have a go with this, clone the repository at energeticsproject/uqbar and run the code.

Regarding the next steps I hope to fulfil the table stakes one would expect for any production-ready parser (language support, incremental parsing, error recovery, good testing, published as module). And I eventually hope to create a programming language where you can package and import syntax the same way you would with a library.

Thank you for reading! If you have the time to spare, I’d really appreciate any suggestions, ideas, feedback, clarifying questions, or other assistance you may provide. If interested, go to energeticsproject/uqbar, try it out, and let me know what you think. :slight_smile:

Interesting! I explored something in the same direction during the work leading up to 0.15, but found that most languages need the extent of inner parses to be determined by the outer language, so I didn’t pursue it quite as far.

How does incremental re-parsing work with this?

most languages need the extent of inner parses to be determined by the outer language

Mmm, I intend to add more flexibility to how the inner parses are executed and their extent determined. To A) give outer languages the option of taking more control and B) support embedding non-LR languages like Markdown. Haven’t figured the details out yet.

How does incremental re-parsing work with this?

Right now, it doesn’t. I think I’ll need to create a new implementation for the Parser interface. It will keep track of the ranges for nodes with the embedContext prop (the outermost non-overlapping ranges), and will need to re-parse whichever ranges overlap with those passed to createParse(). Which is a little bit scary from a performance perspective (could easily require re-parsing the whole document on every keystroke), but hopefully I’ll be able to make use of fragments in a way that makes this manageable. If that’s not enough I’ll probably need to make use of some escape hatch like, for example, debouncing the parses.