merge view in v6

Does v6 have plugin that support diff merge view? I see some examples online but only for v5. Thanks.

No, that doesn’t exist yet for 6.

Hi @marjin, is there any plan to have this soon? Will implement split diff view only simpler (i.e. no merge). Is it doable by merging v5 in?


Probably not, no.

Will implementing split diff view only be simpler and doable in a shorter timeframe?

Is there any reason why CM does not have plan to have this soon? May I help with it?

Look, we provide what we provide, for free, and if you want more than that, you’re going to have to implement it yourself or pay someone to do it. Please stop asking the same question in this thread.

Oh sorry about that. Yes I am willing to help and contribute. Just want to see if you can give some guidance.