My editor is unstyled?

Hello! :wave:

I’m new to codemirror, and wanting to get something basic going before I start tweaking themes / language / grammar etc, but I’m having issues getting the editor styles to load – I understand they are supposed to be included with the JS, but I haven’t found any examples on the Styling docs.

This is what I have so far:

import { autocompletion } from '@codemirror/autocomplete';
import { basicSetup } from '@codemirror/basic-setup';
import { closeBrackets } from '@codemirror/closebrackets';
import { foldGutter } from '@codemirror/fold';
import { history } from '@codemirror/history';
import { javascript } from '@codemirror/lang-javascript';
import { markdown } from '@codemirror/lang-markdown';
import { bracketMatching } from '@codemirror/matchbrackets';
import { EditorState } from '@codemirror/state';
import { oneDark } from '@codemirror/theme-one-dark';
import { EditorView } from '@codemirror/view';

export default function newEditor(
  element: HTMLElement,
  value: string,
  updateText: (text: string) => void
) {
  let updateListener = EditorView.updateListener.of(({ state, docChanged }) => {
    if (docChanged) {

  let view = new EditorView({
    state: EditorState.create({
      doc: value,
      extensions: [
        // javascript(),
    parent: element,

  return view;

But when rendered, it looks like this:

I know the editor is mounting, because the updateListener extension in here correctly fires when I change text.

I’m probably missing something obvious, but I haven’t been able to narrow it down yet

Are you mounting the editor in a shadow root? If so, you’ll need to pass the root option when creating the view. Other than that, I don’t know what could cause this.

yes! I’m not using shadow dom at all – should I be? :thinking:

I added:

let shadow = element.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });

to the top of my method, and then passed shadow as the parent in the EditorView options.
the font looks better! – but still no colors or anything.

So then I tried these options:

parent: element,
root: shadow,

but then it seems my editor contents just totally disappeared.

but looking at this, I noticed that the editor contents were not in the shadow element.

so now I changed the config options to:

    parent: shadow,
    root: shadow,

but then I’m back to the less fun font:

Something I noticed in the:

parent: shadow,
root: shadow

attempt is that there is a style tag (yay!)
but it has some unicode prefixing the classes? :thinking:

I can’t find that unicode character anywhere in the classes

Ah, here they are image

after looking through the CSS, it looks like I’m maybe missing a theme?

No, not at all—if you were using a shadow root, that might be the cause of the problem.

Is your fold gutter visible? And yes, if you want syntax highlighting you’ll have to add some highlight style.

Is your fold gutter visible?

it is not

And yes, if you want syntax highlighting you’ll have to add some highlight style.

I currently have defaultHighlightStyle but see no difference :-\

This is my new config:

  let view = new EditorView({
    parent: editorTarget,
    root: shadow,
    state: EditorState.create({
      doc: value,
      extensions: [

Ok, I copied the example theme from CodeMirror Styling Example, and I can see colors and stuff now – so I guess something is wrong with the one dark theme? idk