New syntax introduced which conflicts to the existing dollar quoted string syntax

Hi there, we introduced a new syntax, which is in the following format:


This whole thing is treated as a database, so we can do something like:

select * from <a_cloud_keyword>$<provider_name>$<product_name>.schema_a.table_a;

However, the highlight of this syntax is messed up by the existing doubleDollarQuotedStrings syntax. So it will end up with something as the screenshot shows.
Screenshot 2024-08-26 at 1.06.18 PM

We don’t want to disable doubleDollarQuotedStrings since we still want to support this syntax, but how should we also support my new syntax as the same time?


Custom syntax extensions are not something @codemirror/lang-sql supports. You might consider forking it.

Thanks Margin! Do you think it’s possible to separate the control parameter of single dollar quoted string and double dollar quoted string? doubleDollarQuotedStrings enables both of them, but we just need the double quoted string.

Thank you so much!!

There’s no such thing as single-dollar-sign quoting in the SQL mode, as far as I can see.