Odd precedence when using ExternalTokenizer with `extend: true`

I have a syntax that skips whitespaces, but I still requires an explicit whitespace every so often.
I find that I needed an ExternalTokenizer with { extend: true } for that. Only I find that when using the external tokenizer, precedence seems to be ignored. I have Plus and Times, where Times requires an (external) whitespace token between the first expression and the "*".

I hope this inspector shows the problem: Lezer Debugger / Michiel Dral | Observable

For the input A * B + C

(This is also a test for whether the inspector even works correctly :grin:)

As you can see, the Times(Plus(...)) and Plus(Times(...)) both reach the end, and I guess lezer chooses randomly. The grammar needs the "(" expression "*" ")" rule as well, where the "*" after an expression seems to be the essential part. Oddly enough, both (A * B + C*) and A + B * C both have the correct precedence…

Hope this problem makes some kind of sense :upside_down_face:

Here is the grammar:

@precedence {
  times @left
  plus @left

@top SourceFile {

expression {   
  Identifier |
  Plus |
  Times |  

Times {
  // I could put 'whitespace' before and after this and the
  // plus operator, but this whitespace is the only one necessary
  // for the effect

Plus {

MacroExpression {
  // Necessary parts here are the opening "("
  // and the 'expression "*"' without 'whitespace' in between them.
  "(" expression "*" ")"

@skip { " " }
@external tokens layout from "./index.tokens.js" {

@tokens {
  Identifier { $[A-Z]+ }
  "::" "()"

with ExternalTokenizer

import { ExternalTokenizer } from "@lezer/lr";

import * as terms from "./index.terms.js";

const CHAR_SPACE = " ".codePointAt(0);

export const layout = new ExternalTokenizer(
  (input, stack) => {
    if (
      (input.peek(-1) === CHAR_SPACE || input.peek(0) === CHAR_SPACE) &&
    ) {
      input.acceptToken(terms.whitespace, 0);
  { extend: true }

I would say an extending external tokenizer is really the wrong approach for what you are doing. Have you tried making the * an external token that gets tokenized in two different ways depending on surrounding whitespace?