Problem trying to force linting

I am trying to use the linter package and am stuck on an issue with the forceLinting(). In our use case, we have editor states that can affect the parsing/linting of the editor content. When these state fields change I need the linter to re-run to react, but if I call forceLinting(), it does nothing unless there is an outstanding state change with docChanged set (it is predicated on this.set being true). Is there something I am missing? Is there some other clean way to get the linter to re-run on certain non-document state changes?

Do you think this patch solves your issue? It allows you to specify a predicate to indicate when linting should be updated on editor state changes.

Yes, I think that would work well. As I noted, we already have all of. our context represented in state fields, so it would be easy to check for a change in an update.

I’ve tagged 6.2.0 with this feature.

Unfortunately it’s not clear how this should be configured and called…
A simple example would be helpful.

This is a simplified excerpt form the code we created using this feature:

function linterExtensions() {
  return [
      (view) => {
        const state = view.state;

         // Get our state field value that affects the lint results.
         const names = state.field(nameField);

         // Compute lint values from state.doc and names
         // ...
         return [{from, to, message, severity}];
        // Returns true if we need to update our lint results based on a non-document change
        // in the update. In this code, we are checking for a field that we have created and updated
        // elsewhere called "namesField".
        needsRefresh: (update) => {
          const startNames = update.startState.field(namesField);
          const newNames = update.state.field(namesField);
          return startNames !== newNames;
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Thank you, that’s helpful!

Why does this configuration not work?

var clickEvent = 0;

function _onClick(e){
clickEvent = 1;

needsRefresh: (update) => {
if(clickEvent == 1){
clickEvent = 0;
return true;

I artificially created a field and changing it by program code when I click, but the linter is not affected.
Is there only interactive changes needs? The example above dont clear the problem because there is no such field as “field”.
Help me please to call needsRefresh-function at the click event moment.

I came up with a working version, but not completely. When needsRefresh-function return the true without incoming parameters, then I can send additional data to the linter through global variables when I click.
The bad thing is that the tooltip disappears as soon as they appear due to the constant redrawing of the linter.

Is there any better ideas?