Python comments shortcut not working after using wrap inner language

I have plugin for Jupyter lab that creates an inner language, to support SQL highlighting and autocomplete inside python strings in specific functions, for example:

SELECT * FROM test -- this is highlighted

When I press Ctrl+/ inside the sql string it adds an sql comment (ā€“), which is good, but in other regular python cells when I press Ctrl + / no comment is added and nothing happens, I expected a hash comment to be added like the original behaviour.

Here is how iā€™m defining my mixed language:

import {PostgreSQL, sql, SQLDialect} from "@codemirror/lang-sql";
import {parser as pythonParser} from "@lezer/python";
import {parseMixed} from "@lezer/common";
import {LRParser} from "@lezer/lr";
import {styleTags, tags} from "@lezer/highlight";
import {LRLanguage} from "@codemirror/language";
import {Extension} from "@codemirror/state";

let mySQLSnowflakeDialect = SQLDialect.define({
    charSetCasts: true,
    doubleDollarQuotedStrings: true,
    operatorChars: "+-*/<>=~!@#%^&|`?",
    specialVar: "",
    keywords:  PostgreSQL.spec.keywords + snowflakeKeywords.join(" "),
    types: PostgreSQL.spec.types + snowflakeFunctions.join(" "),
    slashComments: true,

const config = {
    dialect: mySQLSnowflakeDialect

const sqlLang = sql(config);

function mySQLPython() {

    const mixedPythonLanguage = pythonParser.configure({
        wrap: parseMixed((node, input) => {

            const nodeIsAcceptedStringType =
       === 'String' || === 'FormatString';

            if (
                !nodeIsAcceptedStringType ||
                node.node.parent?.name !== 'ArgList' ||
                node.node.parent?.parent?.name !== 'CallExpression'
            ) {
                return null;

            const functionExpression = node.node.parent.parent;
            const ismySQLSearch =
                input.chunk(functionExpression.from).match(/^my_module.exec/i) !== null;

            if (!ismySQLSearch) {
                return null;

            const nodeText =,;

            if (nodeText.length < 2) {
                return null;

            // We want to get the exact location of the string content inside the quotes

            const openingQuoteStatement = nodeText.match(

            const from = openingQuoteStatement
                ? node.from + openingQuoteStatement.length
                : node.from;

            const nodeTextWithoutOpeningQuote = openingQuoteStatement
                ? nodeText.replace(openingQuoteStatement, '')
                : nodeText;

            const closingQuoteStatement = nodeTextWithoutOpeningQuote.match(

            const closingQuoteLength = closingQuoteStatement?.length ?? 0;

            const to = - closingQuoteLength;

            const overlay = [

            if (overlay[0].from >= overlay[0].to) {
                return null;

            let p: LRParser = sqlLang.language.parser as LRParser

             * Default highlighting ignores things that are not keywords (the green words)
             * So we can further customize it here
            p = p.configure({
                props: [
                        // Type - things like array, count
                        Type: tags.atom,
                        // Identifier: tags.atom

            return {
                parser: p,

    return mixedPythonLanguage;

const mySQLParser = mySQLPython();

const mySQLPythonLRLanguage = LRLanguage.define({
    parser: mySQLParser

export function languageSelection(): Extension {
    return [

Appreciate your help