I’m playing around with markdown and embedded code, and I noticed that the python indentation is inconsistent when there’s no space after the current line. The example below is from the codemirror MD example I think what’s happening is that the insertNewlineContinueMarkup is being called but once there’s space below the cursor, insertNewlineAndIndent is called, though I’m not entirely sure.
I know there’s some places where markdown needs extra support for embedded code like in completions, and I was wondering if that’s the same case here where I need to add or do something to get the correct behavior, or could this be a bug or just a limitation of embedding code in markdown and just handle it with an Enter keymap?
Nothing happening when you press enter is a strange outcome of this patch. It just changes the node from which indentation is computed in some circumstances. If you have enter bound to something like insertNewlineAndIndent, there’s not really a way in which that could cause the new line insertion to not happen — except possibly if there’s a crash. Did you check the console?