Search as you type not working

We are trying to use the autocompletition. But the search as you type doesnt work.
When we type ‘<’ the hint window opens but the ‘<’ is not in the text, same problem when pressing ‘/’ ’ ’ and ‘=’. for example if we write ‘<Form’ and press space the hint window with the ‘<Form’ Tag is shown but it doenst wirte the ’ ‘. the specific extra keays doenst work inside the editor, nothing appears.
what could be the problem?
(function ($) {
$.widget(“ui.codeeditor”, {
options: {
mode: ‘xml’ //xml|lambda|html|css|x-sql(oder x-mysqlx-mariadb/x-cassandra/x-plsql/x-mssql/x-hive/x-pgsql/x-gql/x-gpsql/x-esper)
_create: function () {
var self = this,
$self = $(this.element),
options = self.options,
editor = null,
availableModes = [{
type: “xml”,
options: {
extraKeys: {
“Ctrl-Q”: function (cm) { cm.foldCode(cm.getCursor()); },
"’<’": function (c, p) { self.completeAfter(self, c, p); },
“’/’”: function © { self.completeIfAfterLt(self, c); },
“’ '”: function © { self.completeIfInTag(self, c); },
“’=’”: function © { self.completeIfInTag(self, c); },
“Ctrl-Space”: “autocomplete”
autoCloseTags: true,
smartIndent: true,
indentWithTabs: true,
hintOptions: {
schemaInfo: {
“!top”: [“Form”],
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“Pinable”: { “children”: [] },
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“visible”: [‘true’, ‘false’],
“enabled”: [‘true’, ‘false’],
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“CommandBar”: {
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“visible”: [‘true’, ‘false’],
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“MethodName”: { “children”: [] },
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“argumentName”: null,
“propertyName”: null
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“Proxy”: {
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“AssemblyName”: { “children”: [] },
“Arguments”: {
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init: function (callback) {
], callback);
init = function (cm) {
$.extend(self, { CodeMirror: cm });

      var mode = $.grep(availableModes, function (m) { return m.type === self.options.mode; })[0];
      mode.init(function () {
        editor = cm.fromTextArea($self[0], $.extend({
          mode: 'text/' + (options.mode || 'xml'),
          lineNumbers: true,
          lineWrapping: true,
          foldGutter: true,
          autoCloseBrackets: true,
          gutters: ["CodeMirror-linenumbers", "CodeMirror-foldgutter"]
          //matchBrackets: true
        }, mode.options));
        $'editor', editor);
        setTimeout(function () { editor.refresh(); }, 20);
  $.extend(this, {
    _tags: {
      div: '<div />'
    _css: {
      container: options.css && options.css.container ? options.css.container : 'ui-texteditor',
      editor: options.css && options.css.editor ? options.css.editor : 'codeeditor'

  ], function (cm) {
completeAfter: function (s, cm, pred) {
  var cur = cm.getCursor();
  if (!pred || pred()) {
    setTimeout(function () {
      if (!cm.state.completionActive) {
        cm.showHint({ completeSingle: false });
    }, 100);
  return s.CodeMirror.Pass;
completeIfAfterLt: function (s, cm) {
  return s.completeAfter(s, cm, function () {
    var cur = cm.getCursor();
    return cm.getRange(s.CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line, - 1), cur) === "<";
completeIfInTag: function (s, cm) {
  return s.completeAfter(s, cm, function () {
    var tok = cm.getTokenAt(cm.getCursor());
    if (tok.type === "string" && (!/['"]/.test(tok.string.charAt(tok.string.length - 1)) || tok.string.length === 1)) { return false; }
    var inner = s.CodeMirror.innerMode(cm.getMode(), tok.state).state;
    return inner.tagName;


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