@skip does not work in first line


I found a bug in my current grammar.

There seems to be a problem with skipping the comment. But only if the input text starts with a comment (or any number of blank lines followed by a comment). In this case, the comment (and newline) can be parsed, but all the following input cannot.


  • works just fine:

[mcu] #ok  
serial: test


  • error:

[mcu] #ok  
serial: test


It is also strange that this also seems to be a problem in my editor with Python. At least this example input cannot be parsed with a comment in the first line (or a blank line):

# error
def name(params):


If I try this code with Python, it seems to parse fine. Could it be there’s something else about your setup that’s causing this?

I thought so too, but I couldn’t find anything (the codemirror component). Even if I comment out all extensions (except for basicSetup), the problem persists.

I also tried out other languages ​​like css and there I had no problems with comments in the first line. Only my grammar and python seem to cause problems. And since both have indentation tracking in common, I commented out indentation in my grammar and also removed it in the tockenizer:

@precedence { str @cut }

@top Program { (Import | ConfigBlock)+ }

@skip { Comment newline? | AutoGenerated newline | space | blankLine } 

//valueBlock<content> { indent (content newline | valueBlock<content>)+ (dedent | eof) }
sep<content, seperator> { content (seperator content)+ }

Import { "[" ImportKeyword FilePath "]" newline }
ConfigBlock {"[" BlockType Identifier? "]" newline Body? }

Body { Option+ }
Option { Parameter ":" Value | GcodeKeyword ":" Jinja2 }

Value { value (newline | eof)  } // | valueBlock<value> }
Jinja2 { jinja2 (newline | eof) } // | valueBlock<jinja2> }

value { Pin | pins | VirtualPin | VirtualPin | Cords | Number | String | Boolean | Path | FilePath }
pins { sep<Pin, ","> }
VirtualPin { string ":" string }
Cords { sep<number, ","> }
Number { number }
String { string }
Path {  ("/"|"~/")? !str string  ("/" string)* }
FilePath {  Path "." string}

//@context trackIndent from "./tokens.js"
//@external tokens indentation from "./tokens.js" { indent, dedent }
@external tokens newlines from "./tokens.js" { newline, blankLine, eof }

@tokens {
  ImportKeyword{ "include" }
  GcodeKeyword{ $[a-zA-Z0-9_.\-]* "gcode" }
  BlockType { $[a-zA-Z0-9_]+ }
  Identifier { $[a-zA-Z0-9_.\-]+ }
  Parameter { $[a-zA-Z0-9_]+ }
  string { ($[ a-zA-Z0-9_\-!:]+ | "//") }
  jinja2 { $[ \ta-zA-Z0-9_.\-"'{}%=]+ }
  number { "-"? $[0-9]+ ("." $[0-9]*)? }
  Boolean { "True" | "False" } 
  Pin { ("^" | "~")? "!"? "P" $[A-Z] $[0-9]+ } 

  AutoGenerated { "#*#" ![\n\r]* }
  Comment { "#" ![\n\r]* }

  space { $[ \t\f]+ }

  @precedence { space, jinja2, string }
  @precedence { AutoGenerated, Comment }
  @precedence { number, Pin, Boolean, ImportKeyword, string, "/" }
  @precedence { ImportKeyword, BlockType }
  @precedence { GcodeKeyword, Parameter }

@external propSource klipperConfigHighlighting from "./highlight"


Now all of a sudden comments in the first line are skipped correctly!
Any idea how the tockenizer interferes with that?

/* ref: https://github.com/lezer-parser/python/blob/main/src/tokens.js */
import { ExternalTokenizer, ContextTracker } from '@lezer/lr'

import { newline as newlineToken, eof, blankLine } from '../parser/klipperConfigParser.terms.js' // ,indent, dedent

const newline = 10,
    carriageReturn = 13,
    space = 32,
    tab = 9

function isLineBreak(ch) {
    return ch == newline || ch == carriageReturn

export const newlines = new ExternalTokenizer(
    (input, stack) => {
        let prev
        if (input.next < 0) {
        } else if ((prev = input.peek(-1)) < 0 || isLineBreak(prev)) {
            while (input.next == space || input.next == tab) {
            if (input.next == newline || input.next == carriageReturn) input.acceptToken(blankLine, 1)
        } else if (isLineBreak(input.next)) {
            input.acceptToken(newlineToken, 1)
    { contextual: true }

/* export const indentation = new ExternalTokenizer((input, stack) => {
    let cDepth = stack.context.depth
    if (cDepth < 0) return
    let prev = input.peek(-1),
    if (prev == newline || prev == carriageReturn) {
        let depth = 0,
            chars = 0
        for (;;) {
            if (input.next == space) depth++
            else if (input.next == tab) depth += 8 - (depth % 8)
            else break
        if (depth != cDepth && input.next != newline && input.next != carriageReturn) {
            if (depth < cDepth) input.acceptToken(dedent, -chars)
            else input.acceptToken(indent)

function IndentLevel(parent, depth) {
    this.parent = parent
    // -1 means this is not an actual indent level but a set of brackets
    this.depth = depth
    this.hash = (parent ? (parent.hash + parent.hash) << 8 : 0) + depth + (depth << 4)

const topIndent = new IndentLevel(null, 0)

function countIndent(space) {
    let depth = 0
    for (let i = 0; i < space.length; i++) depth += space.charCodeAt(i) == tab ? 8 - (depth % 8) : 1
    return depth

export const trackIndent = new ContextTracker({
    start: topIndent,
    reduce(context) {
        return context.depth < 0 ? context.parent : context
    shift(context, term, stack, input) {
        if (term == indent) return new IndentLevel(context, countIndent(input.read(input.pos, stack.pos)))
        if (term == dedent) return context.parent
        return context
    hash(context) {
        return context.hash
}) */

I still have not been able to reproduce such an issue in the Python grammar.

Is there any other option to test grammars with there tokenizer except from codemirror/try?
And in my grammar the problem can be resolved when disabling indentation tracking so there must be some errors in my token.js but I can find them?

Just a script that imports the python parser and logs a parse tree would work. Make sure you are using the latest version of @lezer/python.

I followed your advice and tried a different test environment. I finally decided on this one because you can switch between the languages ​​quickly and easily.
Locally I added my language, python as well as pythonEdit. pythonEdit is basically python just from the files from here and here instead of importing it directly.
It is now noticeable that the standard python has no problems but python from the files cannot handle a comment in the first line.
(edited test environment)

If the ‘standard’ python is the @lezer/python package … that is built from those files, and has no new patches since the 1.1.7 release. So I don’t really see how that makes a difference.

exactly that’s the strange thing. But you can try if you want, I can’t find the difference.

Is anybody able to reproduce my problem?

I have found the reason for the incorrect commentary recognition. I used npx @lezer/generator in python as well as in my grammar to create the parstable. But now when I use the old parser via npx lezer-generator the comments are skipped correctly.

Have I made a mistake or is there a fault in the lezer generator?

@lezer/generator is the current package, and the one you should be using. I don’t know what’s going on here, and until you can provide a minimal (i.e. without Vue, CodeMirror, and other non-Lezer stuff) reproduction, I don’t intend to further look at this.