Hi. Absolutely amazing library, so kudos.
I’m having an issue with the editor in SQL mode and then typing comments.
Namely as soon as i hit the in-comment mode, e.g. “–” and my caret is at the end of the line, then i cannot type a space. other keys, like typing some content “–thisismycomment” works. if i delete the comment, then the spaces i tried to write somehow still end up on that line, e.g. if now try to press delete on the empty line to get the next line to jump up, then i will have some whitespace there before the below row jumps up.
If I move my caret to not the end of row, then spaces work correctly (“|” - caret), eg.
– my comment here|.
For context, this is happening inside a web component with a shadow root (something something global listeners not being able to look into the shadow root?).
When i try this outside of the web component context, then everything is working as expected. Ofc i cannot rule out that the issue is something else other than the web component context.
my editor config so far
const myHighlightStyle = HighlightStyle.define([
{ tag: tags.keyword, color: "#004BFF", fontWeight: "bold" },
onMount(() => {
let startState = EditorState.create({
doc: sqlQuery,
extensions: [
keymap.of([...defaultKeymap, indentWithTab]),
new EditorView({
state: startState,
parent: wrapper,