State of LSPs in CodeMirror Reference

This thread aims to be a reference for LSP clients and LSP-like integrations in/for CodeMirror.

Link Description
hjr265 blog post One of the first resources published on this topic
codemirror-languageserver A LSP client mainly deveoped by hjr265
@shopify/codemirror-language-client Worker based LSP client made by Shopify
codemirror-languageservice A recently started LSP client
LSP Web Workers Demo Demo of codemirror-languageserver that I forked
CodeMirror Typescript example Typescript LSP-like integration with CodeMirror
CodeMirror 6 and Typescript LSP A treasure trove of information and examples on LSP integrations. Not listed here for currently for less duplicated information.
“LSP” in CodeMirror Discuss All LSP references in this forum
lsp-codemirror CodeMirror 5 LSP integration
lsp-editor-adapter Another CodeMirror 5 LSP integration
Building a ShopifyQL Code Editor - Blog Post What Shopify did to get a LSP integration for their ShopifyQL web editor.
Connecting ANTLR to CodeMirror 6: Building a Language Server Part 1 of a tutorial made by a Shopify engineer who worked on the ShopifyQL editor
Connecting ANTLR to CodeMirror 6: Connecting a Language Server Part 2 of a tutorial made by a Shopify engineer who worked on the ShopifyQL editor
@qualified/codemirror-workspace CodeMirror 5 LSP client integration
Xtext CodeMirror integration The Xtext integration for some old version of CodeMirror

For whatever reason I can’t edit my previous post so adding on here.

Link Description
LSP powered by Lezer A novel use of Lezer to power a LSP
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Adding a new one to the list: @marimo-team/codemirror-languageserver

This is a modernized fork of FurqanSoftware/codemirror-languageserver with additional features:

  • Symbol renaming
  • Code actions and quick fixes
  • Go-to-definition
  • [improved] Code completion
  • [improved] Hover information
  • [improved] Diagnostics